Page 13 of There Is No Love

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Luka Age 25

“Whereisshe?” Arturo yelled, right in his face.

“I told you I don’t know,” Carlos replied.

“Now Carlos”, I looked over at him, rolling my zippo across my knuckles, “you bought her. It took us this long to find you. Tell us where she is, or things will get worse for you.”

“I haven't seen her in years. I sold her,”

Arturo stabbed him in the leg, he let out a scream. “Say you sold her one more time, I dare you.”

“I don’t fucking know where she is. Your father handles all of that. His men picked her up, and I haven't seen her since.”

Arturo punched him in the face, then the stomach. “When?”

Carlos split blood out onto the floor, his entire body shaking. “I don't know, like seven years ago, she got too old, and I.” Arturo punched him in the face hard, his head flailing back.

“Alright, hold on, we still need more info from him.” I put my hand on Arturo’s shoulder. Arturo was always calm, always collected, but he was on the edge of losing it. This is the closest we’d ever been, we thought maybe we had finally tracked her down after all these years.

“Fucking pedophile scum bag.” Arturo spit in his face and then paced around the room.

I leaned down in front of him. “Give us something, or I’m going to let him kill you.”

“I don’t know, I really don’t.”

“Give me a name, who might she be with now?”

“Your dad has girls in Alboreville, they like an older clientele there.”

“Our dad has girls in Alboreville? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure, I’m sure. Just, please, I’ll make some calls, maybe I can get more information for you. Would you like that? I, I can um uh, like go undercover for you.”

I laughed. “Listen to him begging, like we’d trust a damn thing you said. How many girls do you have here?”


“Where are they?”

“Down the hallway, bedroom at the end.”

I slapped his knee where Arturo had stabbed it. “Thanks, Carlos, you’ve been a big help to us. Arturo won't kill you.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“Okay, Carlos this has been fun. Give my regards to the Devil when you get to hell will ya?”

“Wait, what?” His voice cracked, as Arturo stared at him, smiling. “I thought you said he wouldn't kill me?”

“Oh. he’s not going to.” I pulled a bottle of Zippo fuel from my pocket, “I’m going to.” I flipped my knife open, cutting down the front of his pants, and exposing him. “Hmm little penis,” I turned and looked at Arturo, “big shocker there.” I shrugged and squirted fuel all over his tiny cock.

“Wait, wait, please. Show mercy.”

“Wait, wait please.” I mocked him, then bent down getting right in his face. “Pedophile assholes like you get no mercy. This is for Charlie and every other girl whose innocence you robbed.” I pulled a box of matches from my pocket and struck it. “Rot in hell you piece of shit!” I threw the match down, his screams ripped through the air. “I’m going to get the girls. Here.” I handed him the bottle of fuel.

I ran down the hallway, breaking through the door with a padlock on it. Two young girls were sitting on a bed in the corner hugging one another. They looked scared as hell, one looked like she was twelve the other maybe sixteen. They clung to each other shaking. I put both of my hands in the air. “I am not going to hurt you, I promise. No one will ever hurt you or touch you again.”

“Where’s Carlos?” The older girl asked.
