Page 25 of There Is No Love

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WhenIsawher on the floor, her dad standing over her, I wanted to kill him. Not because of anything I felt towards her, but because I couldn't stand a man who would put hands on a woman. Only cowardly men did that. Cowardly men like my father, and hers. One night when Arturo and I were young, dad had beat mom so badly that she couldn’t walk for days. He said she was flirting with one of his men, which I highly doubt. But even if she had been, that was no reason to hurt her like he did, to ever lay hands on her. One night when Arturo was fourteen, we heard mom crying and went to check on her. She had a black eye and a bruised wrist. Arturo grabbed the gun from the nightstand next to dad’s side of the bed and held it to his forehead. Dad woke up, and yelled, “what the hell are you doing?”

Arturo pushed the butt of the gun onto his head and said, “if you lay another finger on mom like that again, I will kill you.” Dad turned to me, and I nodded.

Arturo and I got a beating the next day. He got the worst of it though, the worst I had ever seen. He laid in bed for a week with a cracked rib and a broken arm. I had some bruising and a welt from the belt. But dad never touched mom again after that night. Arturo said he would take one hundred beatings like that if it meant mom wouldn’t get them anymore. He became my hero that day. We promised we would never let a man hit a woman as long as we were around.

I sat at the table with Arturo, mom, and Stefano. We were watching her out on the dance floor with Nick. “Luka honey, dance with your mom before the night is over.”

I stood up and pulled her onto the dance floor. “Thanks for helping her.”

She smiled up at me. “You like her, don't you?”

“What? No. You know how Arturo and I feel about men laying hands on women.”

“That’s all?” I smiled and nodded. “That’s all.”

“But you’ll try like you promised?”

“Yes mom, I promise I will try.”

“Can I steal my little sister for a dance?” I turned to see Valentino.

“Of course.”

He put his hand on my shoulder, handing me an envelope. “I guess congratulations are in order?” I raised my eyebrows and nodded. “I suppose they are. Thank you.” I laughed.

“Could be worse kid, at least she is beautiful.”

I nodded. “Good to see you uncle.”

Throughout the night, lots of people walked up, handing me envelopes with money and congratulating me. Alora pretty much avoided me the rest of the night. Which was fine with me. She wasn't exactly fun to be around. Stefano had avoided me the entire night as well, which was also fine by me, I hated the man.

The night was finally coming to an end. I walked with Arturo back to the limo. Alora behind us laughing about something we couldn't hear with mom. “Keep it on a swivel, stay alert.” Arturo pulled me into a hug, slipping something into my pocket. “Burner just in case.” He whispered.

I nodded. “We’ll talk soon.”

Mom walked up and pulled me into a hug. “You come to see us soon, promise?”

I kissed her cheek. “I promise.”

She pulled Alora into a hug. “You too sweetheart.”

Alora nodded. “Okay, but only if you promise to tell me more about my mom.”

“Of course, I will.” Mom rested her hand on Alora's cheek. “You look so much like her. Bye newlyweds.” She gave us both a smile and then climbed into the limo.

I waved as it pulled off, Alora next to me. “So,” I turned to her, “what now? Should we consummate this marriage?” I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes and turned on her heels.

I followed behind her, up the stairs and down the hallway. She grabbed the knob. “Is this where our room is?”

“This is where my room is,” she looked at me, that same look of disgust from the first day we met. I reached over, picking her up bridal style. “What are you doing?”

“Carrying you over the threshold, my dear.” I walked into the room, her in my arms. My boxes and suitcases were stacked neatly in the corner. “And considering all my stuff was brought here, I would say this is our room.”

“Put me down!” I moved my arms from under her letting her fall. She yelled as she crashed down on the bed. “Jerk. You are not sleeping in here.” She walked to the door and opened it. “Sarah, Mr. Rossi will be needing another room.”
