Page 37 of There Is No Love

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“Don’t,” she swallowed, shaking her head, tears pouring from her eyes. “Don’t hurt him. Max.”

“Alora,” I said louder, “wake up.”

“Please, don’t,” her breath was too fast, “touch me.”

What the hell was she dreaming about? I reached down and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her. “Wake Up! Alora! It's a dream.”

Her eyes popped open, she looked up at me. Her eyes grew wide. “Don’t fucking touch me,” she screamed. Her leg came up, kicking me in the chest, knocking me to the ground.

I crashed hard to the floor. “Alora it's me, it’s Luka,” I looked up at her, back pressed against the headboard a blanket pulled up to her chest. Her eyes are still wide. I stood up and slowly walked back to the bed. “You’re safe.”

She looked at me, and closed her eyes, shaking her head. She opened them and looked around the room, taking a big inhale of breath, letting it out slowly. She leaned her head back against the headboard, eyes closed. Long deliberate breaths left her lips. I stood there next to the bed, not sure what to do. I wanted to sit down, pull her to my chest, and hand old her tight. I had this overwhelming feeling of protection wash over me. Like I needed to shield her from whatever was haunting her dreams. I had always felt protective over women and children, that feeling stronger after what had happened with Charlie. But why was I feeling so mad right now? Why did I feel like ripping someone’s head off over a nightmare? And I had held a knife to Sergio’s neck in his office, drawing blood, because he grabbed her too hard. I sat down on the bed, slowly reaching over. “You’re alright now. You’re safe.”

She looked at me, wiping the tears off of her face with force. “Don’t look at me like that.” She snapped.

“Like what?”

“Like I am some wounded animal in need of rescuing. I do not need to be rescued or taken care of. It was just a bad dream, not a big deal.”

“Looked like more than just a dream to me.”

She pushed herself away from the headclimbedlimbing out the other side of the bed, making her way to the closet. “And don’t tell me I am safe.”

I stood up, following her. “What? Why?”

She grabbed a pair of black athletic pants. “Women aren’t safe in this world, so don't ever tell me I am safe again.”

“You don’t have anything to be scared of as long as I am around.”

She turned and walked up to me and shoved me in the chest. “Who the hell said I was scared? Who the hell said I needed you to protect me? I can protect myself!” She shook her head. “I don’t need a savior!” She yelled, shoving me back.

“GOOD!” I yelled back, “because I am not a savior. I am being nice to you because someone asked me to. Because of a promise I made. But don’t for one second be fooled into thinking I am a good man. I am not. You should be scared, scared of me.”

She looked at me and laughed. “Nothing scares me, least of all you. And don’t do me any favors,” she pushed past me, making her way to the bathroom. “Get dressed, we’re going to the range to train. I saw what you could do in hand-to-hand combat. Let’s see how you handle a gun. I need to know what I am getting myself into with you by my side while we do this.” She stopped at the doorway to the bathroom and looked back at me. “Then we can get to work and go our separate ways.”

I nodded. “Fine by me. The sooner we find Wrath, the sooner I can leave this place, and get back home.,”

“Good, we agree. The quicker we solve this, the quicker we can be rid of each other.” She walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I let out a long sigh and made my way into the closet, changing. I heard my phone ring and ran to grab it, Mom was on the screen. I smiled and hit the answer. “Hey ma, how are you?”

“Good, good. But I want to know how you are. Are you doing as I asked you to?”

“Yes, but it is not easy. She is, I don’t even know. Not easy to get along with.”

“Keep trying, you promised me. And it’s barely been a week.”

I closed my eyes and crashed down on the couch. “Is that why you called?”

“No. I overheard your dad and Arturo talking. You and Alora are going after Wrath?”

I could hear worry in her voice, “yes. Don’t worry, it will all be fine.”

“I don’t like it. I have heard he is untraceable. If he finds out you are onto him, you will be his next target. And it sounds like he gets whoever he is after.”

Alora walked out of the bathroom, her hair in a bun high on top of her head. “Ma, I will be fine. I promise I will be careful. I have to go, busy day ahead.”

“Alright, but promise me you will be safe, and not do anything stupid.”
