Page 46 of There Is No Love

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Iwalkedtothe bathroom and turned around to make sure they couldn't see me. I quickly snuck through the kitchen and out the back door. I looked down the dock, seeing him standing there, hood pulled up tight over his head. I walked slowly, keeping my eyes out for others around. Several couples and families were walking around, laughing without a care in the world. I often wondered what it would be like to live a normal life, with normal problems. I would never have to worry about money or struggle to pay the bills. But I would trade this world for that any day. I walked to the end of the dock, distancing myself from him. I leaned against the wood rail, taking a deep breath in as the salty air filled my lungs.

“You and your new husband are looking, disgusted with each other.”

“Did you want to meet to discuss my marriage?”

“Straight to the point as always.” He handed me an envelope. “So, does your marriage to Luka now change our arrangement?”

“No, in fact, it may speed things up. I might just have more access to Stefano now.”

He nodded. “Just make sure none of this can be traced back to me and watch yourself as well. There are some bad cops in the department, playing both sides.”

“I promise nothing will get back to you.” I turned to leave.

“Luka and Arturo have been on our radar for a long time, being Stefano’s sons. I can’t quite figure them out, they seem to be an integral part of every operation Stefano has, but somehow still not all the way in, like he keeps certain things from them.”

I stopped and looked at him, weighing what he was saying in my mind. Usually, sons were right in there, trained and prepared to take over the family when the time came. Although I honestly didn't know that for sure, my dad had not brought me in on hardly anything. “I better make my way back to the restaurant before I am missed.” I walked back down the dock, folding the envelope in half and sticking it into my purse. The dock was nearly empty as I made my way to the back door. I was suddenly aware of eyes on me, I couldn't see anyone, but somewhere in the shadows, someone was watching. I took a deep breath, trying to fight the urge to run. I opened the door, making my way back through the kitchen. I walked back to the bathrooms, then towards the table. Luka and Gianni stood up, Luka pulling out my chair for me. I gave him a nod. “Thank you.”

He sat back down next to me, leaned in, and kissed my cheek. “You’re welcome, cupcake. Gianni was just telling me they are having their annual Ball in two weeks. Might be a good opportunity to gather more information.”

“I know my mom has been dying to meet you,” Gianni stated. "You’ve never attended with your dad before.”

“That is because he never let me attend Balls, or weddings or anything like that.” Luka looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed, his lips slightly parted like I had let out some big secret. “What?”

“You’ve never been to any dance, wedding, nothing?”

I shook my head. “My dad thought it was a waste of time, and” I rolled my eyes, “would be too much of a temptation with men around.” I laughed. “Gotta protect my precious virginity, so I could someday be sold like cattle to the man he deemed worthy,” I picked up my drink, holding it in the air, looking at Luka “or I guess in my case, the man Vigo deemed worthy. Lucky you.” I took a drink and then put it back down on the table, a sigh escaping my lips. “Too bad for him, I lost it anyway, and to one of his men.” Luka’s face changed, his jaw tightened, and his eyes were like daggers thrown at me. I stood up and walked over to Gianni. “It is always nice to see you, I guess we will see you in two weeks at the ball?”

He stood up and pulled me into a hug. “Nice to see you as well. Save me a dance, yeah?”

I smiled. “Of course,” turned to Luka, “I’m ready to leave.”

Luka stood up, shaking Gianni’s hand and pulling him into a hug. “Good to see you again, tell your mom I said hi.”

“I will, she will be so happy to see you. If I find anything else, I will be sure to reach out.”

“Thanks, Gianni,” I turned to leave.

I felt Luka’s hand on my back again, guiding me to the entrance. Other men glanced towards us, looking at his hand on my back, and then turning away. I wanted to reach back, grab it and force it away. Felt like he was marking his territory, claiming me as his, and I hated it. We stood at the road, his hand on my back, both of us in silence as the valet pulled his car in front of us. He opened the passenger door, closing it after I had settled into my seat.

He climbed into the driver's seat and pulled away. I glanced at him, his jaw was tense, and he kept clenching his teeth. His knuckles on the steering wheel were white, and every time he shifted, I was sure he was going to rip the stick shift right from in-between us. What had I missed? Had something happened when I snuck away? His phone rang, he looked at the console, Mom popping up, he sighed, and pressed the answer button on the screen. “Hi, mom.”

“Hey sweetheart, how are you?’

“Fine, just driving.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong.”

“Don’t lie to your mother! I can hear it in your voice. Your voice reads like a book, now spill!”

“Mom! Nothing is wrong.”

I turned my head looking out the window as a smile crept up on my face. The back and forth between them was funny. It felt like a mom scolding a toddler.

“Lies! Is everything with Alora, okay?”

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