Page 9 of There Is No Love

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“Slow down Casanova. She is like four years older than you.” He pulled out onto the street.

“Maybe I need an older woman. The girls my age barely have any tits.”

“You wouldn't know what to do with a pair of tits if they were sitting right in front of you.”

I rolled my eyes. “And what, you do Mr. experienced?”

He looked at me and smiled. We drove through a few parking lots and gas stations, places she may have stopped. After no luck, we decided to drive back to her house, in a different way. See if we could find her. "Shit!”


“There’s Charlie’s car.” He pulled up behind it. The two of us climbed out to investigate. He opened the driver's door. “Her purse is on the passenger seat.” He leaned into the car, then came out. “Her phone is here too.” He looked at me worried. He walked to the edge of the weeds. “Charlie?” He called.

I walked over, looking around to see if I could see her. I turned to look across the other side of the road. Then I noticed blood on the ground, next to the car on the passenger side. “Artie.”

He turned around. I pointed to the blood on the ground. He walked over putting his fingertips in it. Then looked up at me. “What the hell happened to her?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know, but this can't be good.” I had been around Charlie long enough to know that she would never have left her cell phone behind. It was permanently in her hand. “What are we going to do?”

“If I ask dad for help, that means telling him I was dating someone, and you know how he feels about that.”

I nodded. He didn't care if we hooked up with random chicks, but he had made it clear not to get serious with anyone outside our world. He told us that girls, from the outside, only cause trouble. “What’s next?”

“I don’t know.”

Four hours later Charlie was reported by her parents as missing. We had no idea then how bad things really could be in this world. We knew more about the dark world at fourteen and eighteen than we should have. Had seen things that no man should see, let alone a couple of kids. But at that point, we didn't know how bad it was. How the evil men we knew were far eviler than we could have ever imagined.

We pulled back through the gates, up to the big brick mansion we had grown up in. Dad walked out of the house as we approached the door. “You two, with me now.”

He walked past us and into the back seat of his limo. We both climbed in. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see. It is time you two learned how things work around here.”

We knew that tone all too well. Something was wrong, and it somehow involved us. We drove for twenty minutes and pulled up to a bar. Maximo, dad's right-hand man, walked out and opened the door. Dad climbed out first, and we followed behind him. Making our way into the bar, through the crowd to the back. Maximo punched in some numbers on a keypad, a big metal door opened, and stairs led down behind it. I had this overwhelming sense of dread wash over me as we climbed down the stairs. Music and voices got louder as we descended. We walked into a big open room with couches and chairs. Men and women all over, making out, some of them barely dressed. I gulped as we followed dad through the middle. I did a double take when I was sure I saw the city’s Major in the corner, a bleach blond dancing on his lap.

Another set of doors, this room was smaller, a floor-to-ceiling red velvet curtain hung on one side. The opposite wall had three rows of chairs. “Is everyone here?” Dad asked Maximo. Max nodded. “Good, see them in.” He turned to us. “Sit, both of you.” We took the two seats he had pointed to as he stood above us. The door opened, and men came walking in. All dressed in nice suits. You could tell these men had money, and they liked to flaunt it.

“Stefano.” An older gentleman nodded, holding his hand out.

“Carlos. How are you?”

“Hopefully good after the show.”

Dad nodded. “I think you will be very pleased with tonight’s selection.”

“I am sure I will.” Carlos looked at us, then back at my dad. “A little young to be purchasing aren't they?”

“Carlos, this is Arturo and Luka, my sons. They are here,” he looked at us with an evil smirk coming across his face, “to learn a lesson.”

Carlos nodded, looking between the two of us as if there was some unspoken understanding between them. Some code that you don't cross that line when something is happening between a father and his sons.

Dad stood in front of everyone. “Welcome gentleman. We have some very desirable merchandise for you tonight.” Maximo walked in with a black box, walking over to the men present. They each grabbed some type of electronic device from the box. I looked around the room, men in seats and some standing at the back. The men in the back, I am guessing, were bodyguards, dad always had Maximo and at least one other man around him at all times. “As always you will have five minutes to place your bids per item, and it will go to the highest bidder. Happy Hunting.” He stepped back, standing behind us. He bent down, whispering between the two of us. “Welcome to the big boys club.”

The velvet curtain opened, revealing a small room behind a huge piece of glass. A door to the back of the glassed-off room opened and a girl was brought in by a man. She had on nothing but a string bikini. He put her in the middle of the room, and stepped to the side, waiting. In the left corner of the glass, five minutes started counting down. Artie and I looked at each other.

”Have her turn.” A man behind us said.

Maximo walked to the glass and pushed a button on an intercom. “TURN.” The girl looked like she was about in tears, but also looked like she was completely out of it, drugged. She just stood there. The man walked up and spun her around. I watched as the men in chairs pushed buttons on their devices, watching the girl. I finally realized what was happening, they were bidding on her. They were buying this girl. She had to be close to my age. I felt the bile in my stomach building up. The five minutes ended and the man pulled the girl out. He came back right after, dragging another girl in.
