Page 97 of There Is No Love

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Wesatinthe waiting room. Arturo was pacing around. Voralie sat beside me, hand on my knee. Franco sat across from us. Marco was standing staring out the window.

I stood up and walked over next to him. He looked over at me. “Alora, I didn’t know. Not for sure. I,”

“We’ll deal with all of that later. You should let a doctor check you out though.”

He put his arm around me, pulling me to him. “Once I hear about Nick, I want to make sure he is okay first.”

I leaned onto his shoulder and nodded.

We stood there, staring out the window. “Are you Luka’s family?”

We turned to see a doctor standing there. “Yes,” Arturo answered.

“He is asleep, he is in pretty bad shape. I’ve got him on morphine so it will probably be a while before he wakes up. He has three cracked ribs, and a broken eye socket, we had to give him thirty stitches over several cuts on his arms and chest.” Doc sighed and took his hat off. His left kidney took a bad beating as well, we are going to observe him for twenty-four hours and see if surgery is needed.”

“But he will be, okay?" I asked.

The doctor looked at me with a smile and nodded. “He is going to have a long recovery ahead of him and be in pain for a while. The worst that can happen at this point is I may have to go in and take out the left kidney, but that is the worst-case scenario. Hopefully, the bleeding will heal on its own. But either way, he should recover just fine.”

Tears fell from my eyes, and I nodded. Voralie walked over and pulled me into a hug. “Can we see him?”

“Not yet. I would like him to rest now. That is what he needs. You can see him in the morning.”

“Please.” I walked up in front of him, “I promise I won't wake him; I’ll just sit there. I want to be there if he wakes up.”

“You’re his wife?”

I nodded.

He put a hand on my shoulder. “Alright fine but wait two hours let him get that much rest first.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He nodded and left.

We sat there for another hour when another doctor finally walked up.

“How is he? Is he okay?” Marco asked.

The doctor took her cap off and looked at him. “We took out the bullet fragments, but he lost a lot of blood. We had to do a transfusion. Whoever got the tourniquet on him saved his life.”

“Will he be, okay?” Marco asked.

She nodded. “Yes, he’ll be fine. He’s still coming off anesthesia so he will likely be in and out. But you can see him. Two at a time though.”

“Thank you, doctor.” Marco let out a long sigh of relief.

“You’re welcome. He’s going to have to stay for a couple of days, for observation, but can go home then. I will take two of you to see him now if you want.”

I looked at Arturo who nodded. “Go ahead, we’ll be here.”

We followed the doctor down the hallway and into a room. “If you guys need anything let me know.”

“Thanks.” Marco smiled

and put his arm around me as we walked into the room.
