Page 96 of There Is No Love

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Shock washed over me, Dad turned and gave me a smile, an evil laugh rolling off his lips. “That’s right Alora, my brother was sleeping with your mother right under my nose.” He shook his head, taking steps towards me, pushing through his men. “I had my suspicions, but I thought I was just being paranoid. That was until you came. When I first saw you asleep in her arms, I was the happiest man in the world. I loved your mother, really loved her. Since I first saw her, dancing with Stefano at the ball, I wanted her. But your mother was beautiful and caught the eye of many men, including Stefano and my brother. I acted quickly, arranged with her father for us to be married.”

“If you loved her so much, then why do you hate me so much?” I spat.

He sighed, taking another step toward me. Arturo and Nick stepped in front of me, guns pointed at him. He smiled and took a step back, arms in the air. “Because you look just like her.” he shook his head. “And when I saw you two days after you were born, in your mother's arms, smiling up at her, it was then I knew.”

“Knew what?!”

“You are the spitting image of your mother, the brown hair, your nose, your high cheekbones, all her. But there is one thing that you get from your father.”

“I looked at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. I looked nothing like him, I was all my mother. “What are you talking about, you and I don't share any traits.”

“I know, like I said you get one thing from your father. Your eyes.”

I looked over at Marco, his bright green eyes staring back at me, tears streaming down his face. He shook his head, then looked down at the ground. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. “What are you saying?”

“The ultimate betrayal. My brother was sleeping with my wife and got her pregnant. But here’s the real shocker.” He smiled, rubbing his hand together. “Alora dear, your mother didn't die because of birth complications.”

I felt my hands start to shake; my heart raced in my chest. “No! No!”

“Yes!” He grinned. “I killed your mother.”

Tears pooled in my eyes; my hands shook uncontrollably. I put my finger on the trigger and pulled, I kept pulling until I emptied my mag. His eyes grew wide, his men surrounded him. Shots rang out from all around. I turned and ran over to Luka, untying him. “Can you walk?” He looked at me and tried to speak but blood dripped from his lips, and nothing came out.

I ran to Marco. “Can you walk?”

He nodded as I untied him. “Alora I,”

“Not now, we need to get out of here. Take this.” I handed him my AR and turned back to Luka pulling him to his feet, and throwing his arm around my shoulder.

The men had my dad, no Gabriele he’s not my dad, surrounded leading him out the door. They piled out and shut the door behind them.

“Franco, how the hell do we get out of here?” I yelled.

“We have to go back out the way we came.”

I nodded. “Here take Luka.” Franco ran up and took him from me. I checked my pistol mags, two left. I replaced it with a full one. “Let's get them out of here.” We walked to the door and looked out; men started shooting at us. I pulled back in and took a deep breath, I rounded the corner and bent down to one knee shooting at them. Arturo stood behind me dumping his mag. We took them out and made our way down the hallway. We got to the front door and peered out. Gabriele's car ripped through the parking lot and then out of sight. Several men stood there: guns drawn standing at vehicles. I counted. “There's ten, guns ready.”

Arturo looked at me and nodded, Nick, Franco, and Marco doing the same. “Franco, your priority is keeping Luka safe, do you hear me?”

Franco nodded. “I got this.”

I looked at everyone and then turned to the door, pushing my way out. Shots ripped through the air, the smell of blood and gun powder filling my nostrils. I shot at the men taking out as many as I could. I heard Nick let out a guttural yell and turned to see him collapse to the ground. Marco ran over, picking him up. A few men jumped into vehicles speeding off. I took out two more, and then the shots stopped. Six men lay on the ground, dead. “Come on.” We ran to one of the SUVs. I opened the back door and climbed in. Franco helped Luka in, laying his head on my lap, and then slid in. Arturo jumped in the driver's seat, Marco and Nick in the back.

“Here,” Arturo threw his bag to Marco, “First aid supplies are in there.”

“We’re going to Bellissindale. It is not safe for any of us here now.” Arturo sped out.

I nodded and grabbed my phone, dialing, “Doc it’s Alora, I need you to meet me at the airport now.”

“Alora what is going on? Your dad called too and told me to meet him at the house, said he’s been shot.”

“Doc, I need you to meet me please.”

“Alora, you know what happens to me if I don’t come when your father calls.”

“I will get you out of the city, just please Doc. He’ll die if you don't come, they both will.” My voice cracked as I looked down at Luka unconscious in my lap and glanced back at Nick screaming in the back holding onto his leg.

“Okay, I’ll meet you.”

We sped to the airport and jumped on the plane Arturo had waiting for us. Doc jumped in a few minutes later and we took off. Luka and Nick lay on a bed, Doc looking over them. I paced the room, tears streaming down my face.

“How bad is it, Doc?” Marco asked.

Doc looked at me, then at Marco. “Bad.” I fell to my knees, sobbing. “Get her out of here.”

I felt arms wrap around me and spin me around lifting me into the air. I looked up into Arturo’s eyes. “I can’t lose them; I can’t do this world without them.”

He nodded. “I know.” He kissed the top of my head and walked me out. He sat me down on the couch, and took a seat next to me, pulling me into his chest. I lay there sobbing until I passed out.
