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Feel like I’m going to shatter.

There’s no other way to describe the onslaught of sensation whipping through me.

My fingers curl into the sheets as everything swirling through my body reaches a fever pitch, and I have no other choice but to scream out my pleasure. His palms press me into the mattress as I lose control. Not once does he let up on his assault. His thumbs settle on my lips, stretching them open as he laps at my shuddering softness until I’m nothing more than a limp mess in the middle of the bed.

Only then does he press a kiss against me. “It’s not like I’m looking for a score or anything, but that was better than just okay, right?”

I huff out a laugh. Even though I’m staring up at the ceiling, I feel the penetrating heat of his gaze pinning me in place, making it impossible to escape the intimacy of this moment.

“It was a solid eight.”

When my gaze slides to him, I find him watching me through narrowed eyes.

“An eight?”

“I said solid eight. Don’t forget the solid part.”

He snorts and shakes his head. “I don’t think so.”

My muscles are so loose that it takes effort to rise to my elbows and prop myself up. “You thought it should be higher?”

With a growl, he springs forward, his heavy weight landing on top of me, pinning my naked body in place as he glares.

“All right, fine. It was and eight point five. There,” I say with a chuckle, “are you happy?”

“The way I played with your sweet little pussy was a solid ten.”

His confidence shouldn’t be so sexy, but I can’t deny that it is. I’ve never been with anyone like him.

I lift a brow. “Was it now?”


He nips at my lower lip before sucking the fullness into his mouth. His gaze never strays from mine as he releases it. “You taste like chocolate.”

“And you taste like pussy,” I murmur.

“Now that’s a delectable combination. Maybe I’ll have to spread chocolate there next time.”

“Next time?” My pulse picks up speed at the thought of this happening again.

He smirks. “Did you really think once would be enough for either of us?”


I have no idea what to think. This is new terrain for me. There’s a voice in my head screaming that I need to be cautious. When I remain silent, he presses a quick kiss against my lips before rolling off the side of the mattress and rising to his feet. For a long moment, he stares at me sprawled out naked in his bed before grabbing the hem of his muscle shirt and dragging it up his body and over his head.

Air gets wedged in my throat as my gaze licks over every hard plane. Say what you want about him, the man is definitely built. His fingers settle at the elastic band hanging low on his hips before shoving both the shorts and boxers down his legs until he’s as naked as I am.

My attention falls to his dick. Even though I tell myself to look away, doing so feels impossible. He’s both long and thick.

And hard.

Deliciously so.

He wasn’t kidding when he claimed to be hung like a bull. It’s one hundred percent true. What would it feel like to be fucked with a cock like that?

Even though I just came minutes ago, desire bursts to life inside me again.

I clear my throat. “What are you doing?”

“Taking a shower. Why?” He smirks as if he can read my thoughts. “What does it look like?”

I really need to stop staring. This is becoming embarrassing. It takes effort to look away from his erection. The smile lifting the edges of his lips tells me that my intense perusal hasn’t gone unnoticed.

“Any interest in joining me?”

As tempting as the offer is, I shake my head. I think we’ve done more than enough this morning to muddy the waters. “I should probably get moving. I have to work at noon.”

He stalks closer before leaning down and caging me in with all that brawny strength. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to wanting to turn my head and nip at his bulging bicep.

“Last night was fun,” he says.

I find myself nodding in agreement. “It was.” Probably the most I’ve had in a long time.

Arousal leaps into his eyes as his lids lower. “This morning, too.”

My mouth turns cottony as his penetrating gaze holds mine. “Yes.”

Just when I think he’ll kiss me all over again, my phone chimes with an incoming message. My palms flatten against his bare chest before gently pushing him away. What I need is perspective, and that’s not possible when he’s invading my personal space.

It’s only now that I realize just how dangerous this guy is.

Was there really a time when I foolishly thought I was immune to his charm?


It’s disturbing to realize that I’m just as fallible as the other girls on this campus.
