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The air whooshes from my lungs and drawing another breath seems beyond my ability. Becausethis is it. This is why he invited everyone over. So why would they be painting—?

“Hey, Allie.” He’s giving me his hushed voice, the one that carries twice the impact of his loudest bellow. Knuckle tucked beneath my chin, he tips my head so I meet his eyes. “You gonna congratulate me on my new contract with the Slayers?”

I nod, overwhelmed even though I knew this was coming. Even though I’m beyond proud of him. “Congra— Wait,the Slayers?”

The corner of his mouth hitches up and he tucks an arm around my back, pulling me in against the warm, solid planes of his chest. “Yeah, it took some convincing, but the Slayers have picked me up for another two seasons. I mean, a trade is possible. But I’ve made it clear I’m hoping to finish my career out here… in Chicago.”

“B-but you hate Chicago. You hate playing with my brother,” I add quietly, even though Greg’s not close enough to hear… and he knows how Vaughn feels anyway.

“Chicago’s grown on me. And your fu— yourbrotherisn’t so bad.”


“I talked to him before everything went down. He was disappointed, but he got it. He’s happy for me.”

“Vaughn.” I press my forehead into the center of his chest, dizzy and clinging to the one thing that matters. “How?”

Yes, he’s a top scorer, but this is the guy who nearly got scratched from the lineup because of how poorly he fit in with the team. And now he’s signed for two years? It doesn’t make sense.

He chuckles into my hair, gathering me closer with those big strong arms. “Haven’t you learned? If something’s important to me… I’mrelentless. And Allie, there’s nothing more important to me than you.”

I’m soaking his shirt with my tears but I swear I can feel him smiling above me.

“You didn’t think I could do it, did you?”

I blink up at him. “Do what?”

“Prove that I could put you first.”

I didn’t. Not like this. I wouldn’t have asked him to.

He sobers. “Hockey is a big part of my life. I’ve made sacrifices and paid dues and played like it was the only thing that mattered. But you’ve got to believe me when I tell you it’s not.”

“Vaughn, is this what you want?” I don’t even know if it’s possible to change it, but—

“Baby, never doubt it.”

I nod, not sure I can speak.

“So what do you think? Want to keep this place? The guys helped me out by painting it with the colors we picked, but only so you could see how you felt about it.” He puts his hands on his hips, looking around like he didn’t just turn his life upside down.For me.“I’m seeing some potential. But it’s up to you.”

And now I’m laughing, looking around through watery eyes… at our home. “I love it.”

This time the smile that breaks past his scowl shatters it, leaving that broody demeanor in the dust. And his smile is beautiful. Overwhelming. And the predecessor to a kiss that steals my breath and turns my knees to jelly.

My arms lock around his neck and then he’s pulling me against him so my toes leave the ground. He’s kissing me like he’ll never stop. And—

A throat clears behind us and we freeze, mouths fused, arms tight around each other. I crack an eye and find Rux standing where I’d expect my brother to be. His arms are crossed over his massive chest and there’s a distinctive splotch of red across each cheek.


“Yeah, so your brother just decided to take a quick jog around the block. He’s uuh… totally happy for you.” His eyes cut to Vaughn’s and then back to mine. “If you’re happy. But maybe try to keep it PG around him… you know, for a while.”

Vaughn breaks from the kiss completely and threads his fingers through mine. “I can wait. Not like I’m going anywhere.”

Rux’s eyes flick down to our locked hands, his brows knit into an uneasy frown. “Yeah, I guess that’ll be okay.”

The poor guy isn’t joking, but half the room starts laughing, me included. And when Greg shows up ten minutes later, I can see the struggle in his eyes before he mutters his congrats and pushes a stiff smile to his face.
