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“Easy, stud. Your kiss was nice. But my bar is set pretty high.”

My eyes narrow. “By who?”

If she tells me some high school boy from seven years ago who didn’t know enough to hold on to what he had, I might have to make a point I was kind of hoping not to make.

“I don’t kiss and tell,” she says, eyes dancing with mischief.


“But, yes. So far as The Blip is concerned, you’re my boyfriend now.” She lets out a little squeak, grabbing my hand back for another crush. “He’s turning around. Do it. Do it. Do it.”


Poking me in the ribs, she steps closer. “Just suck it up and kiss me already.” I haven’t even moved in an inch when her hand pushes into my chest, holding me back. Her eyes are deathly serious. “And Rux, make it good.”

As a rule, I’m all about giving this girl whatever she wants. She’s had a tough run and making her smile is one of the better fucking things in life. Butmaking it goodprobably isn’t a great idea. That said, I’ve got another play in mind that might be.

“Cammy, chill.” When she takes a breath, I catch her chin in the crook of my finger, bringing her eyes up to mine.

She stills.

I brush my thumb across the swell of her bottom lip. This girl has the hottest, tartest, sweetest mouth and it’s kind of fun to get to play with it like this for a minute when I normally make a point of pushing those objective observations aside. Thinking about that sexy, soft lip too much could get a guy in trouble.

* * *


Rux is a big guy.He’s got muscles everywhere. Big hands. Big shoulders. An even bigger ego. But when the big goof puts his hands on me, he’s incredibly gentle, brushing the hair from my eyes and tucking it behind my ear with such tender care, I melt a little.

It’s not what I’m expecting from my showy friend.

“What are you doing?” I ask quietly, all too aware of how his hand hasn’t moved away, and his thumb is stroking my cheek.

“Being a good boyfriend.” He repeats the actions on the other side.

No one touches my hair, and the feel of his fingers in it nearly has me moaning at the gentle tug. Trying to keep my focus, I whisper, “This kiss needs to say long-term tenderness and emotion. Then you’ll never have to do it again.”

He nods, the corner of his mouth twitching like he’s finding this all so cute. He finds everything cute. Which is kind of cute itself, now that I think about it.

He’s holding my face in the cradle of his palms. Like I’m precious. Like he never wants to let me go.

Like he’s putting way more into this bit of fiction than I would have expected him to. Heck, the way he’s touching me is almost enough to convinceme.

I’m about to tell him to get on with it, but then he starts to move and I tip my head to his, my lips parting as I ready to take this kiss I really don’t want… that I’m not waiting for… that’s only about my dinged ego and a misplaced need to prove something to a guy I couldn’t care less about.

His face is so close to mine, moving along the contours in this slow tease, his cheeks almost touching mine, noses nearly aligned, so close I can feel the heat from his skin, the wash of his breath against my lips, my jaw—oh my God—that tender skin beneath.

I swallow. Try to keep my breathing even, but this thing he’s doing, this not-quite kiss that has my heart starting to skip and my belly starting to twist, is some seriously powerful stuff.

And he hasn’t even kissed me yet. My lips are starting to tingle with the want of it. The needy pull getting stronger and stronger with every second he draws out his tease. His mouth is next to my ear, so close I get chills along my neck from the sensation of that charged bit of air occupying the space between us.

“Fuck this guy, Cammy,” he murmurs softly. “He doesn’t deserve a single thought.”

I nod and the motion is enough to make contact, bringing his lips against the shell of my ear for one fleeting second. Just long enough for that low-level current to sizzle across my skin, drawing a quiet gasp from me.

Chuckling softly, Rux pulls back.

One brow raised in a look so cocky and sure, at any other time I’d have to give him trouble for it. But today, after this?
