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“Wow. You have got some serious game.”

He nods. “I know, right?”

“I mean, my belly feels like I just stepped off the Eagle up at Six Flags and do you see this?” Tipping my head to the side, I show him my neck.

“Chills? You’re a sensitive little thing.”

I guess. “Hey, you didn’t kiss me.”

He gives me another grin so smug I can’t help but smile along with him. “Pretty sure I got the message across anyway.”

He’s right. Relieved, I beam up at him. “You’resointo me. It’s totally obvious.”

“Yep.” And then he rests his hand over mine… where I’ve fisted his shirt against his heart. “And it’s not one-sided.”

Seeing what I’ve done, my brows shoot high as I blush, smoothing the fabric with a few pats of my hand. “Guess not.”

“You good to get out of here?” he asks, buttoning my jacket.

I nod and we head out, probably passing The Blip at the door. But honestly, I’ve sort of lost track of him.

Outside, Rux throws a heavy arm around my shoulders and pulls me in, keeping me warm.

“Thanks for that, Rux.”

“You bet.”

When we get to his truck, I climb in and buckle up while he starts the engine. He turns to me. “What?”

“Gotta admit, now I’m wondering what kind of kiss you’re packing when you actually try.”

Shaking his head with a laugh, he pulls into traffic. “I bet you are. And guess what?”

I raise a brow.

“You owe me. We’re watchingOak Island.”

Chapter 4


Ican barely look at myself in the mirror. Last night was… it was nothing. Except somehow my sex-starved subconscious disagrees and is making a bigger deal out of that not-quite kiss that was strictly for show than it should.

I’ve never had a dirty dream about Rux before. Ever. Not even before we were really friends and all I knew about him was that he was this big, sexy hockey star who hung out with my sister’s secret boyfriend. Granted, there’d been a lot on my mind back then. And by the time I’d sorted it out, Rux had become a regular in my life. He’d become my friend. One I needed more than any kind of sexual fantasy.

So no naughty dreams about Rux.

Until last night. When suddenly he shows up in my dreams cast in a role he’s never played before. What’s worse? It’s not like I even got any action out of it. It was just this replay of the events from the night before, only instead of being sort of delightfully giddy and quietly awed by Rux’s ladies’ man skill set… I was completely caught up in the closeness of our bodies, the way his mouth hovered so near mine, the electric charge sizzling between us.

I wanted more.

But even as my breath went uneven and my pulse sped, he continued to torment me, tease me—moving into that space just beyond my reach. Tempting me with what I couldn’t have.

Making me beg his name and whisper pleas he wouldn’t answer.

All he’d give me was that knowing eye contact, that heavy-lidded stare.

Until I’d woken reaching into the empty space of my bedroom, breathless and worked up to a near painful degree. I’m ashamed to admit I thought about Bob. But there was no way I could give in to that impulse with Rux on the brain—Rux!
