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It’s a place I’ve been a hundred times before, and I’m not going to think about it any differently now. Even if it is a pretty spectacular place to land.

“Okay, maybe I was a little.”

I pinch his ribs and using some superhuman hockey-stud strength, he tucks me along his side, so I’m beneath his arm and half between him and the back of the couch, half on top of him.

Again, it’s a place I’ve been a hundred times before. It’s one of my favorite ways to be when we’re watching a movie after Matty’s gone to bed or we’re just talking and Rux wants a cuddle.

Now, his big arm is holding me tight, keeping me close as he lets out a contented sigh.

“So how was I?” he asks, tucking his chin to give me a salacious grin. “I was a stallion, right? Rocked your world right off its axis.”

I huff out a laugh, beyond grateful that I told him and that he found exactly the right way to diffuse any tension I might have been holding onto about it.

“You were a freaking tease.”

He stills and then pulls back again. “Huh?”

“Yeah, it was all that same business you were giving me last night, except times ten. And then you were giving me these sexy eyes that, I’m not going to lie, were pretty potent.”

He pulls back even farther, a deep furrow etched between his brows. “The same business like we didn’t even kiss?”

“You wouldn’t give it up. I wanted it, bad. But no. You weren’t accommodating.”

That big arm clamps around me again and he smiles into my hair. “Total bullshit on my part, Sunshine. Sorry.”

I burrow into his side a little deeper, and sigh. “It was BS, but I forgive you.”

“Dream Rux sounds like a dick. Pretty uncool considering…”

I’m so relaxed, I think I could fall asleep right where I am. But there’s something about the way he’s left that sentence…

Lifting my head, I meet his eyes. “Considering what?”

Oh yeah, that smile is every kind of unrepentant naughty. “Dream Cammyalwaysputs out.”

* * *


“He did not say that!”Julia practically shouts through the line as I poke around my desk, pushing my little stack of heart-shaped sticky notes in line with the high-heel tape dispenser.

“He totally did. And worse yet, then he winked! And now, he’s been sending me these lip-pics all afternoon.”

“What the hell is a lip-pic?”

“Like a dick-pic but featuring his dirty mouth instead of his package.” I roll my eyes just thinking about the assortment of pictures of Rux’s lips filling up my phone. “Here, sending you one now… At first I thought he’d accidentally fumbled the phone, somehow snapped the picture, and sent, but then I got the next one.” And the next after that.

I wait for it, and yeah, my sister’s squeal says she got it.

“Hello, he’s biting his lip.”

“But just a little.” Not like he’s trying to chew the thing off.

“Yeah, sort of tasteful but still sexy.”

“That’s what I told him!” I love those moments when Julia and I share the same brain. She’s six years older than I am, and we don’t even have the same dad—but we’re close in a way that comes from her stepping in and raising me whenever our mom wasn’t up for the task. So most of the time.

“There’s another one in here with just a hint of tongue. Like barely any… but it’s so dirty!”
