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So very, very, very uncool.

And now Rux is on his way over and not only am I wondering how I’ll be able to look at myself in the mirror… but how am I going to be able to look him in the eye?

The sound of the door opening says it’s too late to figure it out.

I head into the living room telling myself it’s going to be fine.

Seriously, this is Rux.

The guy has zero filter and doesn’t seem to understand the concept of TMI.

There is no reason to be concerned. None.

The only reason it will get weird is if I make it that way.

“Morning, Sunshine. How’d you sleep?”

I could totally dodge the question. Answer fine and move on. But the idea of keeping a stupid dream a secret feels like I’d be giving it more power, making it more of a thing than if I just put it out there.

We’ll have a laugh. He’ll tease me while his ego bloats to monumental proportions. I’ll find a way to put a pin in it. We’ll get on with our day.

“That good, huh?” He drops onto the couch, setting down the coffees and pastry bag on the coffee table first. “Got you a banana nirvana thing this morning,” he says, looking completely delighted as he waves his hand over the sip hole, wafting the scent toward his nose.

“That sounds gross, but I’m kind of curious anyway.” I drop onto the couch beside him, tucking one knee on the cushions between us as I take the steaming insulated mug. “Oh wow, that really does smell good.”

He’s nodding, his smile getting bigger by the minute.

This guy is so much fun. He devours new experiences like no one I’ve ever met before, and I have to admit, it’s not bad getting caught in the wake of that excitement.

I take a sip and my brows pop up as my mouth goes into meltdown mode over how delicious it is. “Wow. I totally thought that was going to be a bust, but it might be my new favorite drink.”

I hand him the cup. He takes a sip and falls back against the couch cushions with a groan that ought to be contained to the bedroom and has me wanting to kick myself for letting my head go there.

Rux is my friend. I don’t want to be thinking about the sounds he makes in the bedroom. Not at all. But here I am, staring at the sprawl of his long legs, the way his heavy thighs fill out his red athletic pants and his vintage Easton T-shirt stretches over the ridged terrain of his abs.

“What’s wrong? Funky aftertaste?” He smacks his lips, brows furrowing in concentration. “Still tastes good to me.”

“No, the coffee is delicious. It was just…” I think about the way he’d been looking at me in my dream the night before and feel my cheeks flame.

Catching my wrist, he sits up, grin slanting like it’s a hairsbreadth from slipping off his face. “Just what?”

Meeting his eyes, I shake my head and let out a strained breath. Which I hate, because there’s nothing strained between us. It’s always easy and open and—and I’m not going to be the one to screw that up by turningnothinginto something bigger than it should be.

“This is silly and you’re never going to let me live it down, but…”

One thick brow pushes up.

I take a breath and bite the bullet.

“But you got all up in my head with your not-quite kiss last night, and I had a dirty dream about you.” The words spill out in a rush and I’m pretty sure I’m going to die of embarrassment. Except then Rux barks out a laugh, eyes glittering with smug satisfaction.

“Oh my God, you don’t have to laugh about it,” I gasp, but I’m already joining him as relief floods me.

How does he do it? Know exactly what I need even before I do.

“I’m not!” he shouts out, setting the coffee aside as I poke at his ribs a few times. He catches my hand and pulls me into him so I fall against his chest.
