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Chapter 6


“You ready to get out of here?” I ask as Cammy yawns into her hand. She’s still tucked into my side, closer than I normally get to cuddle her, and not gonna lie. It’s pretty nice.

“Oh, yeah, sure. If you are.” She sits straight, eyes sharp as she scans the crowd around us.

Ahh. Looking for The Blip. Probably wondering what kind of no-brain move I’m going to make on the way out of here. Not that I can really blame her after the liberties I’ve taken tonight. I’m lucky she didn’t take my head off for stealing another kiss.

But it’s kind of stuck in my craw that she was worried that one kiss would make her look like fair game for a one-nighter. Even with as little time as I spent with that guy, most people pick up on the fact that I’m pretty protective of Cammy real quick. And even if she was feeling vulnerable, no way would I let anyone—not a teammate, not a buddy, and not myself—anywhere close enough to take advantage.

And I’m not going to let some asshole too dumb to see what kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity he had within his grasp think it either.

Still, fun driving the point home. But it’s not something Cammy needs to worry about a repeat performance of after tonight.

“Pretty sure he left already,” I say, running a hand over her shoulder. “Saw him and those two dipshits he always hangs around with headed for the door when I grabbed the beers earlier.”

I’m half expecting her to lay into me for keeping the pretense up when we didn’t need to. But I’ve already got my defense lined up, so she can bring it. What if he hadotherfriends at the bar? What would they think if it was hands-off the second that guy walked out the door?

It’s a legit excuse, but not the primary one.

Snuggling in with Cammy just feels good. And while I get physical affection from her on the regular, this is different. I like holding her hand. Touching her hair. Hell, I like kissing that soft, sweet mouth of hers. But none of that is really cool for friends to do, unless they’ve got a damn good excuse.

As it happens... I do.

Yeah, I’m still going to be just as relentless about shutting down any stray thoughts that cross the line as I always am. But I’m also going to enjoy this for as long as I’ve got it. Because it’snice.

“They left?” she asks.

“Pretty sure.”

Her spine softens and with the way her shoulders droop and her eyes skate away—that can’t be right—she almost looks…disappointed?

“You okay?”

As quickly as whatever that look was appeared, it’s gone. And then she’s smiling at me. Grabbing her coat and letting me help her into it.

Nat and Vassar have already left, so we say goodbye to Diesel and Grady who are huddled up at the end of the bar.

Once we’re in the truck, she turns to me. “You make a pretty good boyfriend, Rux.”

“So long as no one actually has to count on me for anything.”

She shakes her head and, even though I know it’s true, I like that she disagrees.

Pulling into traffic, I start toward her place. “Thought I was going to have to take another jabby finger-beating for sneaking that kiss.”

I catch the roll of her eyes and then change lanes.

“What? No. That kiss was nice. Like you said, perfect boyfriend kiss.”

“I’ve got skills, babe.”

We’re stopped for a light when I glance over, ready for whatever cut-down she’s about to deliver to my ego. But there’s something in the way she turns away that puts my spidey senses on alert.

“What’s with that look?” Shit, maybe she really did think my kiss was bad. That first time I wasn’t fucking trying. But that kiss tonight was nice. Better than nice. Hell, it was harder than I’d expected to stop because it was so nice. “You still think I suck at kissing.”

“What?” she croaks, then covers her face with her hands. “Umm… no. You definitely don’t suck.”
