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“So what’s with all… this?” I wave my hand in front of her face.

A deep breath and then she’s adjusting in her seat so she’s facing me more. “God, like your ego really needs any more inflating.”

Now she’s got my attention. “It really does. Just one more pump, please.”

I’m being an ass, but she loves me anyway. And I want to know what’s up. After a little huff of breath, she looks out the windshield and sighs. “Your kiss is actually so very good, I was maybe a little… disappointed The Blip left after the first one.”

This time it’s my brow pushing up. I sit a little straighter. “Why’s that?”

Yeah, I know. But I want to hear her say it.

Instead I get a swat on the arm and her muttering under her breath.

Damn, she’s cute.

“Sorry, missed that. What were you saying?”

Swat, swat.

“So you were hoping for another taste of the good stuff before we left the bar. One not-quite-real kiss and you’re hooked, huh?”

Her arms cross over her chest, but she’s not fooling me. Not when she can’t fight that smile to save her life.

“Please. I wanted one more kiss.One.I haven’t had a decent kiss in forever. And I just thought… if I had a good excuse… maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to try out one of your other signature kisses. That’s all.”

That’s enough to keep the smile on my face for the rest of the ride back to her place.

I luck out with a spot on her block and walk her into her building. The guy at the desk, Saul, I think, waves and tells us to have a good night. I’ll be back down after Cammy’s inside her apartment, and chances are he’ll bring up the game before I go.

In the elevator, I look down at Cammy’s hand by her side and kind of wish I could hold it again. Just because it’s nice. Nothing else.

When we get to her door, I use my own key but then stop Cammy before she goes inside.

“Not coming in?” she asks.

And damn, I want to. But something tells me it’s a better idea to go home.

“Not tonight.” But instead of backing down the hall with the promise to call her tomorrow, I lean into the frame of the door and give myself permission to look at her like the woman she is instead of the friend who means more to me than the world.

There’s a blink of confusion in her eyes as they meet mine, but it’s gone with the catch of her breath.

This woman is my best friend, but I’d be lying if I said that sound didn’t get to me.

Snaring my favorite wayward curl, I tuck that blonde rebel behind her ear and let my fingers linger there.

“What are you doing?” she whispers.

Sliding my hand around the back of her silky neck, I let my mouth fall into the hooked smile that’s always gotten results with the girls.

“What do you think I’m doing?”

* * *


“Oh my God.You’re going to kiss me.” My heart starts to skip, my eyes racing over him from that sexy-as-sin smile I’ve seen him use with other girls, but never on me, to the sort of casual stance that somehow makes his already impossibly broad shoulders even broader, and the eyes that look like they’ve got a secret behind them… one that I’ll be very lucky to learn.

He’s totally going to kiss me.
