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“You know I do. More than anyone, it’s just—”

When she doesn’t continue, I nudge. “Baby, aren’t you curious what all the fuss is about? I mean, you’ve got girlfriends and I’m pretty sure the lot of you overshare almost as much as me. Give me a taste, and then you decide what you want.”

“I’m nervous,” she whispers, and my heart breaks right there.

“Have I done anything you didn’t like?”


“Just a taste, Sunshine.” I’m dropping kisses across her belly, swirling my tongue around those sexy hollows below her hip bones. “Say yes.”

“Yes,” she whispers, her voice shaky.

Taking her hands in mine, I drop a kiss to each palm and then guide them to my hair, before edging back. “You’re going to want to hold on.”

Her eyes go wide, but she does what I ask, sliding her fingers into my hair and gently rubbing my head as I begin to kiss her hips and thighs.

I pull one leg over my shoulder and then the other, watching her face the whole time. She’s nervous, but I want her to know how good I can make her feel. And I don’t want her to feel like she’s missed out on anything.

I start slow, pretty confident I’m going to have all the time I want once she gets past the initial insecurities.

Using my nose, I brush along the slickness of her soft lips, one side and then the other, listening to how her breath catches and gauging the tension in her legs, how her hands stop moving altogether once I touch her. I kiss that tender, sweet skin, softly suckling here and there, flicking my tongue once, twice. Getting her used to where I am before I take what I want… A long, leisurely lick through the very center of her, ending at her clit.

“Fuck,” I groan, tasting her on my tongue. “Baby, you’re so sweet.” Another slow lick, because I can’t help myself. “So good.”

Her fingers curl in my hair and another breath shudders out of her. I meet her eyes from across the expanse of her body. “Okay?”

She nods, the motion jerky and tense, her eyes hazed with need.

“Good, because I can’t get enough.” And then I sink into it, making out with her pussy the way I’ve fantasized. Deep, openmouthed kisses with tongue and teeth, her hands fisting in my hair, her hips rocking up as she begs me with her body for more. Unintelligible sounds of pleasure, hers and mine, filling the room around us.

Cupping her ass in my hands, I lift her into my kiss, bury my tongue inside and groan at the feel of her clamping down.

“Rux, oh God, please, please…please.”

She’s close, and I’m devouring her like a savage now. I can’t get enough of her taste, those broken cries, and the way she’s let go for me completely.

I want to give her what no one else ever has, I want to be the one who changes how she thinks about this kind of sex. I want to be the one she can’t get enough of. The one she can’t let go. The one who makes her come so hard, she can’t remember any other man ever getting her there but me.

“Rux!” Her thighs start to jerk as her back bows, pushing her against my mouth as she comes, writhing and panting, and it’s taking everything I’ve got not to come against her sheets. But I want to be inside her. I want to push her over the edge again.

I keep making love to her with my mouth until she goes limp beneath me, then kiss her inner thighs before easing them from my shoulders so I can crawl up her body. Her hands are still in my hair and she pulls me in for a kiss that goes on and on. I should be frantic by now, breaking records getting a rubber on, but this feels like everything.

It’s hot as fuck that she let me into her mouth with the taste of her still coating my tongue. And that little moan at the first tentative brush, then her bolder curl and slide as our mouths fuse, becoming one, has the primitive part of me hammering the cage I keep it in with one word over and over and over.


Yeah, I could hold on to this kiss forever. I could hold on to her longer than that.

But I won’t because she deserves more.

Chapter 14


“Seriously, what’s with all the recycling?” Julia asks, looking back at me over her shoulder after trying to stuff a gum wrapper in the bin overflowing with Prime packaging beneath the sink.

I can feel the heat pushing into my cheeks as I peer around the doorway to make sure Matty’s not in the living room. Satisfied the coast is clear, I answer, “Rux. He’s been sending me little things here and there, and this week with him on the road, maybe he’s gone a little overboard.”
