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Mine is more that I can’t seem to make myself let go, that a part of me wants to hold him forever. Sliding my hand up his chest, I step in closer between his legs and wrap my arms around his neck.

The arms at my waist tighten and then one slides up my back, holding me close and closer. It’s so good, so warm, so safe, I never want to leave. His hand smooths over my hair and cups the back of my neck.

He pulls back and lets his eyes run over my features, ending at my mouth.

I can practically feel the echoes of his kisses.

His eyes come back to mine, and as if by unspoken agreement we lean in for one last kiss.

I tremble against him, breathe him in as he breathes me.

One last time, my fingers thread through his hair.

I need to let him go. It’s time. Past.

The breath between us changes, the seconds stretch and pull, the awareness builds and then with one desperate look, snaps. Rux kisses me hard, crushing his mouth to mine and groaning my name.


Our bodies can’t get close enough. I’ll never have enough.

We move through the apartment blind.

“One last time,” I whisper when he lays me back on the bed.

Reaching over his shoulder, he fists the back of his shirt and pulls it over his head in a move I will never get tired of. “One last time.”

We shuck our clothes, kicking and tossing them aside, and come back together in a desperate, hungry clash of lips and teeth and tongues.

“Sunshine,” he growls against my neck, my breasts. My fingers thread through his hair, holding him against me as he circles my nipple with his tongue, then draws it into the wet heat of his mouth.

“Need you, Rux,” I gasp, pulling at his shoulders and arms as his firm grip urges my hips into the press of his.

Dark eyes meet mine, burning and intense. “This isn’t goodbye. You know that, right?”

He’s wrong. This is goodbye to a dream that I’d only just started to believe in. To a hope that had quietly, stealthily wound its way into my heart. It’s goodbye to the idea that I might have finally found the one man I could trust with my whole heart again. That I could let myself love completely and know that, with him, I would be safe.

Stroking the side of his face, I shake my head. “It’s not goodbye to us, but… it’s goodbye to something that was pretty good, right?”

Our eyes hold, and for a moment he looks pained. But in a blink whatever I thought I was seeing is gone, replaced by my best friend’s smile. “So good.”

And when I feel like I might be about to cry, I force a smile instead and joke lightly, “So how about you give me something to remember you by.”

Rux drops his forehead against my chest with a gruff laugh and then peers up at me with an arched brow. The mischief I love shines in his eyes. “Just one thing to remember me by?”

This guy. My smile stretches wide. “One thing. Two. Whatever you can manage.”

And then my big strong hockey-playing stud is back, prowling up my body, using his to box me in. “Oh, I can manage more than two.”

Chapter 23


Ishouldn’t have done it.

I should have told her what was happening with the trade rumors, waved my limp fucking excuse around, kissed the top of her head and walked out. But when she looked up at me, it was right there in her eyes.

One more time.
