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I let my words sink in as I look down at her. I’m inches away from her mouth, and her eyes are threatening to burn me alive. Her jaw is locked, and her desire is vibrating off her in waves. She’s so fucking beautiful. I knew this would be a hard favor to ask, and even harder to explain. My original plan was much more graceful, but the unexpected visit from my mother had shot that all to hell, and worse, it made a liar out of me. Like a coward, I failed to mention that when my dad told me to pick a trustworthy wife, I already knew I wanted her. She is the most genuine person I’ve ever met, and I might not have known how much I trusted her at the time, but I have no doubt now.

“Willow, I don’t expect you to help me. I’ll figure it out. I won’t ask you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.”

Reaching out, I can’t help but run the back of my fingers down her soft cheek. “I had no right to tell her we were seeing each other, or that we were engaged. I love her, but Alice is the worst kind of meddling mom. When she insulted you, it really set me off. I may not be a good guy, Willow, but I will never put you in any harm, and I sure as hell won’t allow harsh insults from my mother. You deserve better.”

I watch her bite her bottom lip, my eyes drawn to the movement and I’m unable to move.

“You’re damn right I do,” she says, full of her natural sass.

Her smile is a relief. I know this situation has gotten messy, but I pray she sticks in it with me. The air around us is charged with so much tension I don’t know what’s going to happen when it finally breaks. Will she hit me or kiss me? I lean down, hoping for the best, when the door opens, and the obnoxious voice of Christian fills my condo.

“Hey motherfucker, you bailed on me at gym again; you could have at least…oh, hey.”

I pull back and give what I hope is a death glare to my so-called best friend, who doesn’t even have the courtesy to look sorry for interrupting. He just flashes a cocky grin as he takes in Willow in her underwear. Her soft hand pushes against my chest, and I back away. The problem isn’t solved, but she smiles at me.

“I’m going to go take a shower.” She waves to Christian, as confident as always, and disappears down the hallway.

“Damn, dude, you are the man. You ended up sealing the deal, after all, I see.”

He bows like I’m some sex king, and my aggravation rises. People think I’m some kind of player, always fucking some new woman every night when it’s not as accurate as everyone thinks. There was a time I used to be cocky about my conquests, but for the first time in my life, I’m regretting every woman I’ve been with until now. I’ve ignored the praise and teasing in the past, but it is starting to bother me now. Especially since it might hinder any real chance I have with Willow and making the deal I hope she’ll agree to. I don’t want her to be embarrassed to be by my side.

“It’s not like that,” I growl, pissed at what a cluster fuck this morning has turned into.

“Um, sorry, but that’s exactly what it looks like. What exactly is the blue-haired bombshell doing here in her underwear if she didn’t sleep with you?” He asks with his hands up in the air in surrender.

“It’s a long fucking story. What are you doing here?”

“Now you’re starting to hurt my delicate feelings here man, thought we were friends? Plus, you’ve bailed on our morning workouts for two days now with no word.”

Fuck, he’s right, and now I’m being a dick.

“Sorry, man. I’ve had a lot going on. Family drama.”

“No problem, you’re forgiven…as long as you start telling me why badass barbie is currently naked in your shower.”

I punch him in the arm, and he steps back, laughing.

“Stop picturing her naked, fuck stick. It’s none of your business, and even if it were, I can’t explain it yet. You so rudely interrupted a very important conversation we still need to have.”

Rubbing his shoulder, Christian eyes me with confusion, but I can’t explain anything when I’m just as lost, so instead, I offer him breakfast.

We’re both sitting down with plates of eggs and bacon when Willow comes out wearing tiny cut-off shorts, a black tank top, and black leather boots. Her blue hair is brushed and styled, and her makeup matches. I’m not sure what my face looks like, but it makes her laugh.

“Hello, boys.”

“Hey,” Christian says like he knows something that we both know he doesn’t. Jackass.

She nods toward the stove, wondering if there’s any left, and I hop up and give her my seat, which she takes, thanking me. Things seem good so far. If she were still mad at me, she’d have left, right? I get her a plate loaded up with eggs, bacon, and mixed fruit.

“Thank you. Is there any more coffee?”

“Yeah,” I say, hurrying to get her a mug.

“This is the most bizarre scene I have ever witnessed,” Christian pops off like the genius he is. “Archer, the homemaker.”

“You’re a dumbass. You want more coffee or not?” I say at his stupid remark.
