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“Good morning, honey. Hope you’re hungry,” he says with a pleading look only I can see and wraps me in a hug as his mouth comes to my ear and whispers, “I need a favor, for that favor with your brother.”

I take a minute to remember, but then catch on when he winks at me. The favor he did was pretend to be my boyfriend in front of Cole, so he wouldn’t worry. My curiosity piques as I take in the woman in the kitchen. Pale pink designer dress paired perfectly with a string of small pearls. I have no doubt that under her chestnut curls rest matching studs. She’s older, but by the lack of wrinkles, it’s a safe bet she has a standing appointment with a plastic surgeon.

“My love, I would like you to meet my mother, Alice.” The look he gives me is begging me to go along with this plan, and after he’s done so much for me, I decide to play my part.

“Oh, Alice, it’s so lovely to finally meet you. Forgive my appearance; I had no idea we would have company this morning.” In the back of my mind, I can only imagine what this woman, in all her designer tags and plastic smirk, thinks of me and my bright blue hair, tattoos, and nipples on display. On the outside, I let nothing show. I march over to Archer, who’s back at the stove, and knock him out of the way with a light booty bump and take over cooking. He smiles a grateful smile that secretly makes me melt, but then Alice pipes up.

“Oh, no problem, dear. No need to get dressed for my visit.”

Looking over my shoulder, I catch her eyes wandering up and down my outfit. I’m only wearing an old Beatles t-shirt and very short boy shorts with all my ink on display. I give her a smart-ass grin when our eyes meet and make sure she knows I’m aware of the backhanded meaning of her comment and that I truly don’t give a shit. Just for fun, I grab Archer’s ass and give it a squeeze just because I can. The surprised jump I get out of him is worth every dirty glare I’m getting from his mom right now.

“So, tell me, son, wherever did you find this one?” The distaste is clear in her voice, and Archer’s face drops and turns red with anger in a matter of seconds.

“Mom, you are in our home, and you will show my fiancée respect, or you can leave.”

Frozen in place, scrambled eggs forgotten, I blink in surprise. Fiancée? What the hell. I told Cole he was my boyfriend; telling his mom we’re engaged is a much more complicated favor. Alice is just as stunned. Her head rears back, and her dainty hand over her chest is pure dramatics. The room is silent for a few minutes that feel like hours as the three of us swirl in our own thoughts.

“Forgive me. My apologies, Willow.” Alice seems to crumble before us, and I watch in horror as the once strong and feisty woman loses all the color in her face. For a moment, I think she might faint, clearly not used to her son talking to her that way. I have no doubt Alice Alexander is a queen in her realm, but her dear prince just put her in her place in his castle.

“Of course, Alice. No hard feelings,” I assure her.

“I suppose I should get going and let you two be. Please let me know what you two plan on wearing this weekend, Archer.” I find the comment strange, but then again, my mother always forced me to color coordinate with her to special events where photographers would be present. I wonder what event she is referring to and how the hell Archer is going to explain my absence.

Archer walks his mother to the front door and kisses her cheek in parting. When she’s gone, I move the pan off the burner and turn it off. I spin around and lock eyes with a very guilty-looking Archer who takes the seat his mother was sitting in moments ago. Crossing my arms and leaning my hip against the counter, I stare at him, waiting for an explanation. He’s quiet a moment longer as he takes in my response and rubs his thumb over his bottom lip, clearly searching for the right words.

“I can explain,” he finally says.

“I sure as shit hope so, Archer. Fiancé?”

“Sorry about my mother, and about putting you in that position, but I do have my reasons.”

“I would sure love to hear them.” I fold my arms across my chest.

My patience is wearing thin, but the defeated look on his face has my anger deflating fast, especially after all he’s done for me.

“My family owns and operates Alexander Industries.” He looks at me intently.

“I know you’re rich, baby face; tell me why we’re engaged.”

He takes a deep breath and goes on. “My wild antics have gotten me in hot water with the board, and my dear mother has been whispering in their ears about getting me to settle down.”

I nod my head, understanding where he’s going, but don’t give him the satisfaction of words, needing him to give me every little detail.

“My father warned me before the board meeting that she was meddling, but I still wasn’t prepared for them instructing me to settle down and get married before I take over from my father as CEO.” His eyes bore into mine, begging me to understand, and as much as I hate it, I do understand. Archer lives in a world where money is great, but power and legacy are everything.

“They explained how I was going to be taken off a few high-profile deals, and my mouth got away from me. Without thinking, I told them I was seeing someone; it was serious, and if they gave me a chance, I wanted to marry her, if she’d have me. The crotchety old bags let me know I had until the weekend, inviting us to a charity fundraiser where they look forward to meeting my blushing bride-to-be.”

Confusion and suspicion war with each other as his words sink in.

“I’m very aware of the vicious and greedy world you live in, and with that kind of power on the line, you might do anything. You are a total stranger to me, Archer, why the hell would you choose me to be the bride you need?”

My eyes burn into him as I watch him come around the island. I feel the warmth of his body as he towers over me, but I don’t back down. I’m no meek woman of society who does what she’s told. The perfect example of why I shouldn’t play this role.

“Let me be very clear here, Willow.” His breath is hot against my face as he cages me against the counter. “I have more than enough money to do whatever I want for the rest of my life. I could joy ride all over the world and never settle down. As much as I want to run my family’s empire, I won’t ever be told who to have by my side. My mother can meddle all she wants, whisper suggestions to the board members, and introduce me to gold-digging barbies all she wants, but I don’t want them.” His expression is serious. “I want a partner. Someone I can trust. Be my partner, Willow. Come to these stuck-up parties with me as exactly the woman you are. I don’t want to change you. I just want the job I was born for and come home to someone who doesn’t hate me. It’s not for forever, but this place could be yours. I can help find you a new building for your shop. I’m not going to offer you money and get punched in the junk, but I can assure you, you won't want for anything.”

“Are you suggesting that I really marry you, Archie?” I ask breathlessly, hesitantly trying out the nickname which seems to fit. I know I should be more guarded and appalled by such a thing, but a life with him, even one of convenience, sounds great to my lonely soul.

He shakes his head as he looks down at me. “I don’t expect you to do that, but if you could play the part for long enough, I will inherit my father’s shares, giving me the ultimate say in absolutely everything.”

I nod my agreement, held speechless by his proximity and dark gaze. His words replay in my head. He wants me to play a part. A studious housewife for show, not a real relationship. My heart better take note.
