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“What the actual fuck?” Lyla says to me as we sit eating lunch at Empire Eats. The former record store got yet another make-over and now serves the best lunch on the West Coast. The Beatles, “Love is all you need,” is playing, and I take the last bite of the over-the-top good gouda, grilled cheese sandwich she made me, hoping to find the right words to explain the mess I’ve gotten myself into. Clearing my throat a few too many times, she continues to stare, which makes me laugh. I’m not getting away without an explanation, and although I’ve dumped a lot of honesty on her lunch plate just now, I know she’s the perfect person to give me advice. The problem is, I need her to keep a secret from her husband, and I’m not sure she will.

“I know what you’re thinking; the idea alone is absolutely crazy, but…” I’m so out of my element I feel nervous.

“But what, Willow? How is this even possible?”

“He needed a favor.” I shrug my shoulders, knowing it’s not going to be enough of an explanation for agreeing to be someone’s fake fiancée, but how can I really explain something so absurd.

“Yeah, I’m going to need a lot more details here future, Mrs.” Lyla’s eyes bore into me as I stare at the table. I feel the judgment, and I’m sure my dear sister-in-law is ready to commit me to an asylum.

“Cut the shit and just tell me. Lay it out for me because I know you want to, or you wouldn’t be here right now. First, you surprise the shit out of me that you’re even dating someone. When last we spoke, you said you were taking a hiatus from men altogether. Imagine my shock now when you tell me you're engaged, but it’s just a fake engagement so he can get a promotion? I must admit this does not sound like the Willow I know who is against this rich boy’s lifestyle.”

Taking a deep breath, I let my secret out on a sigh, “I’m catching feelings.”

Lyla stares at me for a few long beats, then her mouth slowly morphs into a grin.

“Stop that,” I say, pointing a stern finger at her, only to hear her erupt in laughter. “It’s not funny; shut up.” I toss my balled-up napkin at her, but it misses.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she laughs. “Well, that’s not true. I’m happy for your stubborn ass, but I have a feeling it’s not quite the time to celebrate.”

“No. There will absolutely be no celebrating because there will be no wedding; we’re not even really dating.” Shit, I slipped, and I watch as Lyla registers the lie. Her smile fades, and her eyelashes flutter. A look of disbelief crosses her face, and I wait for the well-deserved lashing she’s about to serve me.

“Willow Marie Waterson, are you telling me you lied to Cole and me about seeing this guy? Do you even know him? Since when do you fucking lie to me?” She’s using her mom voice on me again, so I slouch in my seat, trying to avoid the looks of the other people eating around us.

“Gosh, Mom, you gonna spank me?”

“I’m not laughing, Willow. I didn’t realize you were a liar, and here you’re telling me, the day your brother and I came over to help you clean, you and Archer were just pretending to be dating? And you’re living with him? Start talking now or so help me, I’ll call Cole, and you’ll have to deal with the both of us.”

“Ok, ok.” I take a deep breath and explain the drunk driver story again, and how Archer really did protect me by pulling me out of the way, about the poker game, and then about all the things that confuse the fuck out of me.

“I know this is crazy, and it just makes things more complicated because I agreed to this fiasco; the last thing that I need in the equation is feelings. I keep trying to find things about him I don’t like or something that should raise a red flag, to give me a reason to bolt, but I can’t. He just keeps getting hotter.”

“Wow. So, you really like this guy,” she says, appearing to soften a bit.

I nod but can’t bring myself to smile. This is the last thing I wanted. We live in two different worlds by choice. I could never go back to those high, shallow expectations of being some trophy on a billionaire’s arm. Not permanently, anyway. I don’t really fit in regardless…so why would he choose me? As I internally drive myself crazy, Lyla clears her throat to get my attention.

“It’s not the end of the world, Willow. Maybe this will be the situation you both need to actually do something about your attraction.”

“So, you forgive me for being a total brat?”

Lyla growls in response, which makes me laugh.

“You sound like Cole,” I tell her.

This makes her laugh too, and I seem to be forgiven.

“I am sorry, Lyla; I knew Cole would go all super-big-brother, major-pain-in-my-ass, so I asked Archer to play along. Boy, did that blow up in my face.”

“I forgive you. Cole definitely would go crazy, so I guess I’m supposed to keep this a secret?”

I steeple my hands together, giving her my biggest smile and most pleading eyes. “Please.”

“How can I not tell him? He will kill me if he finds out later that I didn’t tell him.” She looks at me nervously. Lyla’s not the lying type.

“Then don’t tell him, and he’ll never know. I’ll play along with Archer for a month or so, we’ll have a respectful break-up, and no one will be the wiser.”

“I’m clearly not wise for going along with this.” Lyla rolls her eyes as I clap with excitement, jumping up to hug her.
