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“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are the best sister ever! I totally owe you one.”

“Damn right you do. I can only hope there was more behind all those intense looks Archer had for you.”

“What?” I gasp.

She doesn’t answer me though, she just laughs and starts picking up our now empty plates. I grab The Ramones on vinyl and head to Moxie Misfits for more paperwork.

I haven’t been able to drive because of my anxiety over the accident, and here I am, still freaking out. Finally, I make it to the tattoo parlor on foot, my once pride and joy now in pieces. The sight of the iron bars and planks of wood threatens to stop me and send me running back to the comfort of Archer’s bed, but I take a deep breath and walk inside. Back in my office, I grab the insurance paperwork and make a few calls to my crew of artists, who are slowly finding work at other shops around the city—good for them; terrible for me—but they keep promising they’ll come back when I’m ready.

Several hours go by, and it’s long after sunset when my stomach rumbles, telling me it’s time to pack up what I need and head for Archer’s. Opting for an Uber, I arrive ten minutes later and tip the guy, who had great taste in music, an extra twenty bucks. The lobby of the very fancy apartment where Archer lives is all too familiar, in the worst way. It brings back thoughts of my childhood apartment in New York, and all the drama and obligations that came with it. As the elevator climbs, I think about Archer and Christian. They went to school together in New York, they most likely know the same people I know, and their families probably know my parents, which means if I’m going to be Mrs. Fake Fiancée, I need to come clean about a past I’ve tried so hard to run away from. Even worse, if I’m going to do this favor, I have to become the woman my parents always wanted me to be.

The elevator door pings, and as soon as the doors open, my jaw drops to the ground. Archer is on his knee, and not for the reason I’ve been fantasizing about, but with an outstretched jewelry box. Red rose petals carpet the entryway, leading me to him.

“What is all this for?” I ask, overwhelmed by all he’s done. More rose petals surround the dining room, with a large bouquet in the center. Champagne sits chilling in a bucket beside a feast of steak, baked potatoes, salad, and chocolate-covered strawberries.

“You’re doing me a favor, but I wanted you to know that I know you deserve better. I might not be the love of your life, but I do want to make you happy. This arrangement could be beneficial to both of us.”

I stare speechless at the man I’m slowly falling for, hating how emotional I feel at a moment that is essentially a business deal. My heart wants his words to be true but also dangerously wants more. I watch as his face morphs to worry, and he swallows audibly. He’s been an unbelievable friend to me. I can at least do the same.

“Will you pretend to marry me, Willow?” He asks, ruining the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me. Still, I take a deep breath and plaster on a sarcastic smile.

“Of course, baby face. You let me crash here and figure out how to fix my shop, and I’ll play wifey at dinner parties.”

I’m happy to see his easy-going smile again as he gets to his feet.

“I got this for you. I hope you like it,” he says softly, handing over the small blue box. The ring is stunning and so unique it surprises me. An oval aquamarine diamond, surrounded by tiny white diamonds encased in a vintage band, sits on the velvet. It is stunning, and even though it isn’t meant to be my wedding ring forever, it’s perfect.

“I love it,” I tell him honestly.

“I was hoping you would. That you would wear it for me. Be proud to stand by my side,” he says in a low sultry tone.

With strong, steady fingers, he takes the ring from the box and slowly places it on my finger. There is no one else here. No one to put on this show for, and yet he’s gone out of his way to make this special. I can’t help the hope that bubbles up and wrecks my body with anxiety over the whole situation. His dark eyes bore into me with a look I don’t understand, and with all the feelings swirling, my face heats, my mind fogs, and suddenly everything goes pitch black.
