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The last few days in Rio went by too fast. You know how they say time flies when you’re having fun? It’s a true story. I meant it when I told Willow I had never had so much sex, but really, it was all of it, all of her. She gave me the best days of my life. My previous times in Rio, even when I was with other women, were nothing compared to the time I’ve spent with Willow. She is awe-inspiring. Beautiful without realizing it, smart without appearing condescending, kind, and so fucking sexy. The way her body lights up for me at the softest touch makes my cock as hard as steel, and don’t even get me started on the sounds she makes while I’m inside her. My pants get tight just thinking about it.

My dear father has summoned me back to the West Coast. Apparently, my mother has our wedding planned, set, and waiting for us to get back to say I do. The board is in more of a rush than I thought, and for the entire flight home, I’ve been sullen and distant from the one person I want to wrap myself in and never face the world again. The thing is, how can I keep pretending she’s mine when she’s not? We escaped to a world we could be anyone in, but now my real life calls and I don’t know how to deal with all the things I’m feeling. I’m not dense. I know I’m the one who asked for a favor. A fucking business transaction. So how the hell am I supposed to tell her we’re walking into a trap set by my mother? Things have been so good, but as soon as this plane lands, I have to go back to working sixty-hour weeks, and she should just leave before my world makes her miserable. Before the pretentious snobs judge her beautiful tattoos and snuff out her fiery, free spirit with obligations and designer clothes she doesn’t want to wear. No, I have to end it. Save her, because I love her.

We step out and onto the tarmac without saying a word to one another. I take her hand in mine to help her down the stairs, but really, it’s because I want to touch her. I’m a selfish prick, and I want to touch her until the very last minute when I can’t anymore.

The drive home is more than silent. The cab of the limousine is filled with so much tension we just might suffocate. As beautiful a death as that would be, I know I have to save us both the prolonged agony. At the sound of me clearing my throat, she turns to look at me instead of the window.

“What is it, Archie?”

I sigh, crestfallen, knowing this will be one of the last moments I have with her.

“My mother has the wedding planned for us. No, she did not have my permission, but that’s Alice for you. Apparently, you inspired her to make a change for the better in her marriage, and not only do you have her blessing, but she also has your entire wedding planned and waiting for your return.”

I give her a cautious look, worried she’ll be angry, but to my surprise, she’s smiling.

“Did I get your parents back together?”

“My parents have been unhappily married for twenty-nine years. You helped them fall in love in a matter of hours.” My voice is monotone, but on the inside, I’m in awe of her.

“Are you upset with me?” Her smile falls, and my heart plummets. How the fuck can I let her go?

“No, Willow, I’m not upset with you. I’m thankful. You’ve helped my family and me out more than I will ever be able to repay you. And for that, and so many other reasons, I can’t let you go through with it.”

I know my voice is gravel as I choke on emotions. The driver lets us know we’ve arrived home.

“Can’t let me go through with what?” she asks, her tone filled with anger.

Parked outside my apartment, I look out at all the people moving around. The doorman steps up and opens my door, but I don’t move. Part of me just wants to tell the driver to take us back to the plane; the other part wants desperately to live another life. One where I am not obligated to live a life we both hate.

I take a deep breath, and without answering her question, I get out, straighten my jacket and try to harden my heart for the discussion I know I have to have. The gut-wrenching words I have to say to the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. A woman that’s made the last week of my life the best I’ve ever had. Someone who showed me what freedom looks like. What real happiness feels like, and I have to push her away.

It only takes until the elevator doors close for her to turn to me, heat blazing in her eyes, ready for a fight.

“Tell me what the fuck is going on right now, Archer Alexander, or so help me, I will kick your ass.”

I can’t help but grin at her sassy mouth. Her angry face is almost as sexy as the one she makes when she comes.

I take a deep breath as she looks up at me in confrontation. My jaw tenses at the sultry smell of her perfume. I step into her until she's backed against the elevator wall and look her dead in the eye, so she knows there’s no room for discussion.

“We’re not getting married, Willow.”

I can’t help but watch her mouth when her lips part, panting in arousal from our proximity. Fuck, this woman is my counterpart in every way. Why can’t things be different?

First, she looks shocked at my words, but then the fire is back in her eyes, and she’s steaming mad.

“Who the fuck says so? We have an arrangement, Mr. Alexander,” she whispers the words that echo straight to my hardening cock.

The most goddamn beautiful thing I have ever seen is a feisty Willow fighting for me.

“The arrangement was for an engagement, not the actual wedding. I’m not marrying you.” I spit the words like venom, and as hurt crosses her sweet face, I turn and walk through the now open doors that lead to my empty, meaningless apartment, expecting that to be the last time I see her. Instead, she storms in, hot on my trail. I can’t help loving her fight. It only makes me love her more, which means I have to make this worse. I have to push her until she hates me. Turning, I fake indifference and snarl down at her. She’s genuinely angry and pushes my chest, hard. I don’t move, and it makes her that much angrier.

“Stop being fucking stupid,” she says through clenched teeth. “Don’t do this.” The latter is softer, a vulnerable whisper. Maybe I’m not the only one that’s feeling these overwhelming feelings.

I know what needs to be said. The truth that will seal our fate and have her running right back to that elevator. But as soon as I open my mouth, a tear runs down her cheek, and it crushes me. Every mean word dries up at the sight of her breaking in front of me. I’m done, gone for this woman who has opened my eyes to love. To a world filled with color instead of gray.

I swallow my words and nod at her, unable to speak. If I agree, she’ll marry me, making me the luckiest, most undeserving prick on the planet, and still, I open my arms as she rushes into me. Squeezing her tight, I breathe her in, hoping for her warmth to soothe my guilt.

We slowly make our way to bed, jet lag and emotion making us exhausted as we crawl between the covers. I stay on my side, telling myself not to touch her, but I smile when she pulls my arm over her as she snuggles up to my chest, facing me. My chest is heavy with everything I really want to say, but what good is that when I’m basically letting the woman I love sell her soul just to be with me?

Her bright blue hair seems to glow around her face, and I run my palm over her cheek, pushing back the strands that cover her eyes. The action gets her attention, and she looks up at me and bites her lip. Her expression is questioning and vulnerable, and I hate it. I have no right answers.

“We’ll break up. At the office, or at an event. There’s always some fucking event we can find to put on a show.”

Willow's face scrunches, and I know I’ve said the wrong thing. My heart feels like it might actually be bleeding as I watch the pain of my words roll around in her eyes. We’ve made no other promises to each other, other than the arrangement of the engagement. I know she wants more, I can see it in her eyes, and as much as I want her, I want her to be happy even more.

I place a chaste kiss on her forehead and pull her tighter to my body. After a moment, I feel her head nod in agreement. It’s what I asked for, and still, it hits me like a boulder, crushing me and all the dreams I didn’t realize I had. Gone is a future where she will be my wife.
