Page 10 of Under His Skin

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He chuckles. “Not when it’s the right one.” Silence. “I need to speak with Lincoln and Caleb before I agree.” Ezra may be the head of his family, but he views it as an equal partnership with his friends. Collectively, they’re known as the Brothers Graham, the other two having taken his surname. I may not know him personally, but I know of him and his crew. There are hard lines they won’t cross and I can respect that. Especially as they align with my own.

“Of course.” After we hang up, I have no doubt when he returns my call within the next few days it’ll be with the answer I want. Yes.


I’m always alone inside my home, but Anthony and Tommy are mere steps from the door if I need them. At night, a new crew takes over and I’m snug as a bug in a rug knowing anybody would have to get through my defense first. The saying is ridiculous from a man of my stature, but my mom said it every night before I went to bed and it’s stuck with me all these years.

I’ve already cleared her with them, so she reaches my door without issue and knocks. I can see her via the cameras I have installed and I take in the view they provide. I love her tattoos. Which reminds me, I wonder where she goes. Hopefully, it hasn’t been a man putting his mark on her. If so, that stops now. I may have never been in a relationship, but I can guarantee one thing, where she’s concerned, I am possessive as fuck.

“You’re staring at me.”

So I am, and have been for quite a few minutes by the amused expression she’s currently. “You’re stunning.”

“You’re forgiven, sweet talker.” Then she glides inside as if she belongs here, which she does, and plops on my couch.

“Make yourself at home,” I tease, thoroughly enjoying that she’s happy in her own skin and relaxed enough with me to not put on airs. She is who she is and that’s the woman that has me enthralled. How could she not?

“Don’t mind if I do,” she retorts with a wink.

I sit next to her, sinking into the cushions, and sheepishly admit, “This sofa is cozy.”

“Is it brand new?”

“Nope, had it a few years.”

“Have you never sat on it before?” I shake my head no. “Please say you tested it prior to purchasing it,” she pleads. I’m silent and she groans. Why do I feel as if I’ve disappointed her and why does the possibility I have make my chest ache? “We’ll just have to spend a few hours on it, help you catch up on all the comfy you’ve missed.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“Though you should really make the second move seeing as how I made the first.”

“You’re remembering things wrong, love. Our first date was at the bar when you joined me.”

“That was…”

“We sat at the same table, talked over drinks, and I got a kiss afterward.”

“On the cheek,” she reminds me.

“Doesn’t matter where it was. It still counts.”

“It doesn’t? So, all of them should be on the cheeks, never the lips?”

“Now you’re just trying to cause trouble.”

“Something tells me you can handle it.” I don’t know which of us acts first, nor do I care, but suddenly her mouth is on mine and her taste explodes on my tongue. She’s the sweetest confection I’ve ever had.

When we stop, our foreheads pressed together, our breathing mingling, syncing, I need her to know, “I didn’t invite you here for this.”

“I didn’t accept for this.”

“As badly as I want you?”

“Badly, huh?”

“Desperately,” I amend my statement. “I want to get to know you in other ways, too.”

“I’d enjoy that.”
