Page 9 of Set in Stone

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“I’d be honored.”


Adam’s grandparents rented a limo to transport the family back and forth for the funeral, burial, and return trip home, not wanting any of them to attempt driving on such an emotional day. Inside the vehicle, the silence is suffocating, the sadness so thick I wonder how the driver can see through it. Adam insisted I accompany them and the others agreed, acknowledging my place in Adam’s life as well as my honorary status – and maybe at some point in the future official – as a Stone.

Upon our arrival, we’re ushered inside where Mr. Perl, the owner, greets us. Kenneth and Margaret had precise instructions regarding their preferences for their deaths and had already selected and paid for all of it. The only thing Adam needed to do was call Mr. Perl and let him know he needed him to begin the process.

“Misters Stone, Ms. Stone, and Ms. Young, I’m sorry to officially make your acquaintances under such circumstances. If there is anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.” We thank him, then follow his lead toward the room reserved for us. He leaves, giving the siblings and grandparents time alone with their loved ones and I take step back, attempting to blend into the walls to do the same.

Adam turns to me, tears in his eyes, and holds his hand out. I take it, wanting to give him whatever he needs from me. I don’t want to look at the couple I was closer to than my own parents in a lot of ways. Kenneth and Margaret never made me feel like I was less than, cheered for me as loudly as they did their own kids, and attended events none of their children were in simply because I was.

My pain is nothing compared to theirs, but it still hurts and I haven’t really had a chance to process it. It was easier that way. Staying busy to occupy my mind, focusing on Adam and his siblings, on Adam and I.

But now, there’s nothing to do other than accept the truth and learn to live with it.

Life can change in the blink of an eye.

Which is why you need to go after what you want and fight for it if need be.

Chapter Six


September 7th…

It’s hard as hell letting Ember go home every night when I want nothing more than to hold her in my arms and wake to her beautiful face each morning. We know where this is going, and that’s a forever. But with my siblings here and all of us still struggling with loss, we agreed to wait. We want our first time, first in all ways for both of us – individually and as a couple – to be special.

Today, Ember is coming over to take Riley shopping. School already started, yet with everything going on, getting what she and Camden needed in terms of clothing had to wait. I think it’ll be good for Ember and Riley to spend time together. Since we learned of our parents’ deaths, Riley has basically withdrawn into herself. At least with everybody that isn’t Ember. I don’t know if it’s because Ember is a woman or that she isn’t biologically related, though my family has always treated her as if she is. I’m not the only one who has noticed the difference in my little sister, which is why Ember had the idea for a girls’ day. While they’re out, she’s going to see if she can get Riley to talk about what’s bothering her. Other than the obvious, of course.

Which leaves me with Camden to tackle. He’s been coming home with bruises, acting out here and at school, falling behind in his homework, and failing tests. Ember reminded me that everyone handles grief differently, and while I agree, I don’t want his to be with fighting. As if he knows he’s on my mind, right on cue I hear…


“Camden Michael! Stop doing that!”

“It slipped,” he says while peeking around the corner.

“Lie,” I quickly call him out on it. I know he’s hurting, we all are, but I can’t let him keep going like this. I was hoping he would quit on his own, knowing he needed to come to terms with losing Dad and Mom, but he’s not getting better. He’s getting worse.

“Fuck you. You aren’t my dad.” I stand and stalk toward him. Though he knows I would never hurt him, my size intimidates even him, especially because he knows what he’s doing is wrong. He tries to stand his ground, yet as I get closer, I see the truth in his eyes. He’s scared and it’s not of me.

“No, I’m not. I will never try to be. I could never be dad. But I am doing the best I can, Camden, and I need you guys to help me.”

“What does it matter? They’re going to split us up anyway.” His voice trembles and he swipes a hand across his face.

“The hell you say. Where’d that come from?” He shrugs and starts biting his bottom lip. A classic Camden move when he isn’t being truthful. “Who told you that?”

“I, uh, overheard some people at the store saying how the state will probably take Riley and I. That we wouldn’t be able to stay with you and Nash.”

“Do you really think I wouldeverlet that happen?”

“Not willingly.”

“Not ever,” I assure him. “I’ve already taken the necessary steps to keep both of you.”


“Yes. And Chuck gave me my old job back, full-time.”
