Page 8 of Set in Stone

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“Don’t be coy, Ember. You know who I mean. Adam. You two have been together forever.”

“We’re just friends.” This isn’t the first time I’ve had to make this statement and it probably won’t be the last because everyone thinks we’re dating. Honestly, I wish we were. I’ve wanted no one but Adam. I haven’t even held hands with another boy. Why would I want a substitute for the person I really want to be with?

“Sure, sweetie. Just keep your secrets. We all know the truth,” she says smugly.

“Who are the all and what’s the truth?” I ask curiously.

“Pfft. The guys know you’re taken and the girls don’t even bother trying to get Adam’s eye. Hell, Adam threatens any male that looks at you.”

I brush it off, not seeing my best friend ever being able to do that. He may be huge, but he’s a Care Bear inside. That’s it, Tia misunderstood. It’s just Adam’s size that’s threatening, not him actually saying anything.

Then two weeks later I started wondering if her beliefs held merit. A new guy had transferred a few days before and wouldn’t take no for an answer, even though I’d repeatedly turned him down when he asked me out. I hadn’t told Adam about it, his protectiveness over me legendary, but he saw it firsthand and that set him off.

We were at the mall, but he’d stepped away for a few minutes to run into a store. I found out later he’d had me wait at a certain spot because he was buying my birthday gift. The other boy spotted me and again, started hitting on me. When I tried to walk away, he’d grabbed my arm and slapped my ass with his free hand, telling me he wasn’t done with me yet. The next thing I knew there was a whoosh of air strong enough to make my hair move and the jerk is laying on the floor, dazed from the impact. Adam stalked toward him and began talking, his voice a growly murmur I couldn’t make out, and I tried. The loser’s face went ghost white and he swallowed hard before quickly nodding, then he scurried off like the rat he was. A few people around us clapped, having seen Adam rescue me. That kid never bothered me again, and in fact, either changed direction when he saw me coming or sat as far from me in class as possible.

When Adam returned to my side, he gently inspected my arm and then brushed my hair from my face before looking straight into my eyes, bending almost in half to do so, and asked if I was okay.

I viewed it as him being a great best friend, and he was, but with hindsight, I see it for what it was.

The beginning.

Chapter Five


August 17th…

Today is gonna suck. “I’m not ready to say good-bye,” I whisper against Ember’s shoulder. My face is currently buried there, wishing I could remain there and hide from what’s to come.

“Then don’t,” she replies, as if that’s an option.

Raising up, I look at her. “Don’t really have a choice, sparky.”

“Keep them alive. Talk about them. Share stories. Do something to honor them. Talk to them as if they’re still here. Instead of good-bye, say you’ll see them later.”

Huh. “I like that idea.” It doesn’t make it any easier, but it does help. Dropping a kiss on her forehead, I stand and remove my suit from the closet. It’s the same one I wore for my high school graduation, a much happier occasion, and I’m relieved it still fits. Nash, having finished a few months ago, is covered, too. Camden and Riley needed proper clothing, which our grandparents took care of with a shopping trip to the mall.

It was hard on all four of them, leading to Camden and Riley running straight for their rooms and not exiting them until we coaxed them out with the promise of pizza.

When I can no longer delay getting ready, I withdraw my attire from the garment bag and focus on happier times. Seeming to understand I need a minute, Ember gets behind me, her short stature meaning she isn’t even visible in the mirror in front of us, her arms appearing to float in the air as they wrap around my waist.

I feel her cheek press against my back, centering me, and I know I can get through this as long as she’s with me. “Get dressed, honey. I’m going to check on Riley.”

Nash was right. She’s a keeper.


“Hey, chickadee,” I greet Riley after she opens her door for me. As soon as she sees me, she runs into my arms and sobs my name. I quietly back her into her room and close us inside where I let her cry her little heart out. I know this is rough on all of them, but not only is she the only girl and the youngest, giving her less time with her parents, she’s also at that age where she needs her mom more than ever. “Talk to me, Riley, please,” I urge, knowing she’ll more than likely shut down. Unfortunately, I’m right. Trying one last time, I say, “It’s okay to be sad. Your brothers are. I am.”

“I’m mad,” she admits. “They left me. Left us.”

“They didn’t want to. I know that doesn’t erase your pain, but remembering that might ease it.” She doesn’t say anything and I wonder if I’ve made it worse.

“I miss them,” she says on a sniffle.

“Of course, you do, and I wish I could make it better, but I can’t. Neither can Adam, Nash, or Camden, no matter how badly we want to.” Riley sits beside me on the bed and expels a breath, one no fourteen-year-old should have in her.

We remain that way as long as I can let her, giving her time to just be, to prolong what’s next, until she has to get going or we’ll be late. “Will you do my hair?” She whispers.
