Page 18 of Diesel

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“Oh goody,” Cuyler says, joining us. “I’m so excited about dinner. I’m so sick of eating at the dining hall. Did you want me to do anything?”

“No, I have it handled. I have to start cooking earlier though because I have a mountain of homework to catch up on. I missed a few months last year, and my father expects me to keep my grades up.”

“That works for me, I will hit the shower, then come back and set the table.”

Cyrus nods, and Cuyler races off to take his shower. I pull out a premade burrito from the freezer and throw it in the microwave. If she can feel me watching her, she doesn’t let on. Does she like Cuy? I suppose it would be hard not to, he is genuinely a nice person. He doesn’t have to fake it, his parents are the same. They don’t put pressure on him with the fights, and I’m sure they would be elated if he stayed with Blaine considering her mother is a famous fashion model, but he could bring home a girl on a scholarship, and they would smile and make an effort to get to know her.

“For fuck sake, stop staring at me. If you have something to say, just say it,” she snaps, turning to face me.

“Are you fucking him?” I growl, anger lacing my tone.

“Who? You need to be more specific.”

“Cuyler?” I question, but the smile on her face confuses me. Is it because she is or because she thinks what I’m asking is funny?

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business, but no. He has a girlfriend, and I don’t make a habit of fucking other girls’ boyfriends.”

“So why go to the effort of making him food?”

“I’m being nice, Diesel. Some people do it all the time, you might want to try it.”

“Maybe I should invite his girlfriend over for dinner and maybe even Kelby.”

Her nose scrunches up at the mention of Kelby’s name, it’s almost identical to the face I would pull. “For your information, I did ask him to invite her, but apparently there is a ‘no girls on this floor rule,’ and I hope you know you can shove your rule up your ass because I have every right to bring friends over if I want to.”

I smirk at her and close the distance between us. She takes one step back for every step forward I take until she is backed up against the fridge, her hands behind her back.

“Is that right? I don’t think you understand how the hierarchy here works. There is me, at the top, and then way down the line is you. I make the rules, and everyone else fucking follows them.”

She looks up at me, her big blue eyes stare into mine, and she pushes up on top of her tippy toes, bringing her closer to my eye level, licking her lips. My eyes fall to them. Maybe my uncle is right, having her falling at my feet after a night with me might help with my mood. I lean down ever so slowly, bringing my lips to hers. Before I know what's happening, her small hands grip my shorts, and I wait for her hands to slide beneath, but a cold burning sensation hits my dick, and I jump back as she snickers. I shake my shorts and briefs as ice cubes fall out onto the floor while she giggles away.

That cheeky bitch, no wonder her hands were behind her back. She set off the ice dispenser, and I was so caught up in the lust that I didn’t even notice the sound.

“What happened here?” Cuyler asks, walking back into the kitchen, looking between Cyrus and the ice on the floor. Cyrus starts to laugh again, I storm from the room and run upstairs to go and shower before I do something that I will regret. She pushes all of my buttons, and I don’t fucking like it.

Chapter Nine


Dance class last in the afternoon isn’t my idea of fun. Maybe once upon a time before my life was turned upside down, I would have loved it. Now it is just another memory of Zeke, things I no longer wish to dredge up.

I have learned a few things so far. Kelby, aka Diesel’s leach, and her posse, Blaine and Taleah, are out to get me. So far it’s just regular mean girl stuff, like today, Kelby tripped me in the cafeteria, but what she wasn’t expecting was for me to grab her leg as she tried to walk past, and she slipped in my pasta. We were both sent to the principal's office. She was in a meeting, so the both of us were sent back to our rooms to change. A warning in the form of a detention slip.

“It’s nice to see them running scared.” Lux says, standing beside me. I wouldn’t say we have become friends, but she is friendly enough in the classes we share.

“Who, Diesel's minions?” She laughs, throwing her head back, her dirty blonde hair, that could use a good brush, falls down her back.

“Yes, them. See, right now no one knows who you are, you’re just the new girl who has invaded their personal space, but as soon as they do know, I would be scared. If you think that them not liking you is bad, wait until you’re on their list.” I scoff, so she doesn’t know I’m already on this list.

“I hate to break it to you, but Wilder has added me to the list, whatever it is. And what do you mean know who I am? It’s not like it’s a secret.” This time she scoffs and pulls me by the arm into the girls locker rooms, right beside the gym. She checks all the stalls to make sure no one is in here.

“Okay,” she says. “Wilder added you to the list?” I nod, still confused. “Interesting, he has only ever added Luna, and the idiot didn’t realise she would be free game to the others. It’s a long story and I’m bound to secrecy, so I can’t share. And who you are, Cyrus Jamison, your father is only the mining mogul of Australia and the richest man in our country right now. When the bigs find out… screw that, they already know, it’s why you’re here.” I’m confused as she mutters to herself. I know who my father is, the one thing about having a nerd as a daughter was I didn’t make any headlines, and when I did, he made sure to bury any stories that concerned me, and now the cat is out of the bag. I’m sure he will be stoked.

“Are you going to tell them who I am?” I ask.

“It really wouldn’t matter, they will know eventually, and you may not know, but you have been sent here for a reason. This place is where kids are sent to control their futures–the Alphas–previous generations are some of the richest men in the country. By sending you here, your father has sold your soul to the devil, and you would be naïve to think he has no idea what goes on here.” I have so many questions. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you have been offered to the head Alpha himself.” She just turns and leaves as soon as she has finished talking.

“Wait,” I call out as she reaches for the door handle. “I need answers.”
