Page 17 of Diesel

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“Hey baby,” Kelby chirps, taking my arm and squeezing my bicep. “I was thinking we could stop past the janitor's closet, and I could help you unwind. You seem tense.”

She runs her damn hand down and cups my cock, but he doesn’t even perk up at the contact. That’s how I know things with Kelby have run their course. She is boring and high maintenance and why I could never just have a damn Stepford wife. My mother has set the bar high for me. I know it sounds fucking weird to say I want someone like my mother, but she thinks outside the box and doesn’t fit the mould of the perfect wife who bows down to her man. I think that’s why my father loves her so much, she challenges his ass. She is way too good for him though. I wish she would see through his bullshit, but they say love is blind, and it has to be true for anyone to love my father unconditionally.

I move Kelby’s hand away, and she pops out her bottom lip in a pout, but I don’t give a fuck. I have had to deal with her for six damn months while my father was wining and dining her father. Some business deal that was so important he bribed me to bone her and keep her happy until the ink dried on their contract. Which finally happened over the summer holidays. I was immensely grateful that I didn’t have to visit her on Christmas.

My mum is Christmas mad, every year our house looks like it’s the inside of Santa's workshop. She even insists on ugly Christmas sweaters. She sets the air conditioning to Antarctic, and we all wear the damn sweaters because it makes her happy. Even my father does, it’s the one day a year you will see him in casual clothes.

Halloween is just as good at the Briar home, she goes all out and comes here and decorates the entire school. We even get to trick or treat. She sets up stations and hires actors to come in and make it an amazing night. Each year is better than the last. I might not miss being under my father’s thumb when I finish all my schooling, but I will miss the effort my mum puts in.

“Diesel, are you even listening to me?” Kelby whines as we walk into class. I spot Cyrus sitting next to Lux and wonder when the fuck they became friends. I shake Kelby off and take the spare seat beside Cyrus. Kelby follows me, of course, and she throws daggers at us.

“Can we help you?” Lux spits. She doesn’t hide her hatred for Kelby.

“She is in my seat,” Kelby snarks, pointing her finger at the spot next to me. Both girls are looking at me, and Cyrus is looking up at Kelby, her lips in a thin line as anger radiates off her.

“I don’t see your name on the fucking seat, Kelby,” I say. “Go sit at the front, my uncle might take you up on the offer of a blow job.”

A few kids snicker, and Kelby screeches and storms off to find a spare seat right at the front. It’s no secret that my uncle screws students. It’s just that no one can prove it, and even if they could, I doubt my father would care. He knows that Emory will try whatever he can to get fired, but since being here is a punishment and the dickhead excelled in maths, my father made sure to put him in the one place that he hated more than anything. Briar Academy.

“Guess what today is?” Emory says, walking into the class, waving a stack of papers in the air. “Pre-test day, I need to see where you’re all at to see if I need to cover any specific areas. Anyone not grasping the course load will be required to get tutoring. We have paid tutors on campus, or you can ask a friend. I will not be assigning these for you.”

A lot of the scholarship kids offer tutoring as a way to make money, which is smart really. That’s how I met Belle, I was falling behind in maths and she helped. My father caught wind of my feelings for her, and the thought makes me livid. She just ended our relationship for no reason, and after trying to get her to talk to me, she just left Briar and refused to talk to me. I won’t ever let myself be that vulnerable again. It’s a weakness that my father has zero issues exploiting.

Emory hands me a stack of tests; I take one and pass the rest onto Cyrus. “If you find any of the questions hard, just try your best, and I can help you find someone suitable to bring you up to speed.”

“I thought you said that you were not assigning tutors,” I throw at him.

“Cyrus hasn’t been here for years like you have. I’m being nice, something I know that you’re not familiar with.”

“I’m sure she has the best education money could buy,” I seethe. He knows who she is, I’m sure he even read her previous school transcripts.

“I will be fine, but thank you.”

I make a point of leaning back in my chair and spreading my legs enough that I touch Cyrus. Emory looks down, and I know he is pissed at me. He noticed her on her first day here, just like half of the male population at Briar.

She breaks eye contact with him and looks down at her laptop, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is having a teacher fantasy. Most girls do, and he is young enough and decent enough looking that girls fall at his feet.

Class finishes, and I take my time and wait for everyone to leave before walking to my uncle's desk. “What the fuck are you playing at?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” he says with a smirk.

“My father will never fire you, screwing her will achieve nothing.”

“I wouldn’t say nothing, but I’m disappointed Diesel, she has been shacked up with you for a week, and yet, you haven’t gotten into her pants.”

“Why the fuck would I want to get into her pants when I have pussy falling at my feet?”

He stands from his chair, gathering all of the tests and shoving them into his briefcase. “I expected you to be ahead of the game, that’s all.”

I don’t wait for him to keep pushing me, he knows all the things to say to piss me off. Ahead of the game. It’s obvious he knows she is now on the list, so he has to know this is my father’s doing, and he sure as shit knows that I don’t back down.

The rest of the day drags on, and by the time three rolls around, I hightail my ass back to the dorms and work out in the gym for a few hours. My muscles burn by the time I head upstairs. When I walk in, Cyrus and one of the school nurses are in the living room.

“Make sure you keep using the cream. Everything looks to be healing nicely, I will come back in a week to check on you again.”

The nurse rarely does room visits, but I guess when your father is Mitchel Jamison, you can get whatever you want.

“Thank you,” Cyrus says as she walks the nurse to the elevator. I linger for longer than I need to before I head into the kitchen. There is chicken on the bench marinating. Cyrus walks in behind me and peels the plastic wrap from the top, the smell of spice thickens the air.
