Page 2 of Diesel

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The tech guy was nice, he helped set everything up straight away, gave me all my school logins, and explained that I should be careful with my new ID bracelet. It’s high-tech and allows me to scan into classes and doors. We finish going over everything just as the bell rings for the first lunch break. Again with the map in my hands, I wander the hallways filled with students. They all seem to acknowledge my presence with a glance, but no one talks to me. If I can find my locker, then maybe I can try and find where we eat lunch. I didn’t realise how hungry I was until now; my stomach rumbling as I count the numbers on the lockers.

As I come to a split in the hallway, I look down at my map and see that my locker seems to be straight ahead. Glancing back up, I see there is no one in this smaller hall, but what sets it apart is that the tiles are black lined with gold. I look left and then right, students are everywhere, and those halls look the same as the rest of the school.

A hush falls over a crowd of girls as I take a step into the fancier hall. I ignore them, probably a group of mean girls talking about me.

These lockers don’t seem to be numbered or even have locks. I pull the gold bracelet out of the yellow packet and wave it in front of a small keypad, and it pops open. The bracelet is a bit chunky for my liking, more of a cuff, something a guy would wear. I’m not sure it would fit on my wrist without falling off.

Audible gasps and loud whispering come from behind me. After tossing the stuff I don’t need into my locker, curiosity gets the better of me, and I shut the door and pivot around. A large tattooed hand presses against my chest, slamming me back into my locker.

“Get your hands off me.” I snap, swiping at his hand, and it falls away easily. Looking up at this guy was a mistake. All the air in my lungs freezes, forgetting that I need to breathe. He’s freaking hot. Black as the night’s moonless sky hair, olive skin, and even more tattoos playing peek-a-boo from behind his shirt. His dark eyes study my face, and his close proximity holds me captive.

“Little creature, I suggest you never put your hands on me again.” His voice holds authority, and his tone sends chills down my spine.

Standing up straight, I gather myself and inhale much needed air. “And I suggest you keep your hands off me or I will scream.” Raucous laughter echoes through the hall, coming from behind us. I peer around this dude’s massive body and see a gathering of guys just as intimidating as the one before me.

The asshole smirks and runs a finger down my face. “Scream away, pretty girl. No one will hear a thing. Put up a fight, it will be as good as foreplay.”

Ugh. I push hard against his chest; he takes a step back, and I take a good look at him, his uniform fits in all the right places, and his neck tattoo says Briar. Great, just great. At least it wasn’t hard to find my target. I had no idea who the mystery man was until yesterday, he sent me a text with the name Diesel Briar and that was it .

Now the whole separate lockers makes sense. This will be the place where the richest families’ children have lockers, a way to segregate us from the lower class. Even if they are wealthy, it doesn’t mean a great deal if you’re not right at the top, you are deemed lower class. I find it absolutely ridiculous, but I also don’t care enough to fight back against the issue. Especially not now when all I need to do is piss this guy off a bit, turn eighteen, get my inheritance, and leave this life behind.

“Fucking hell, Diesel, step back and give the girl a day before you make her life hell.” A girl says, pushing her way in beside the guy I now know is Diesel. He rolls his eyes at her.

“How about you remember your place, Lux.” He snaps, not breaking eye contact with me.

“I know my place, but I’m also not scared of you. I watched you go through puberty.” Someone snickers from behind us. Diesel keeps his eyes on me, but her comment made a vein in his jaw protrude. If I blinked, I would have missed it.

Lux steps forward, stepping between Diesel and I; she takes me by the arm and pulls me away. She flicks her dirty blonde hair over her shoulder and drags me away from whatever that was.

“Hi, I’m Lux.” She says when we stop. “It might be best to steer clear of those guys, they’re not the friendliest bunch.”

“I kind of guessed that. I'm Cyrus.” She smiles at me.

“Nice to meet you, Cyrus, but take my advice, stay away from them. I won’t be able to help you again; Diesel won’t take well to that. Keep your head down when you walk past them. Don’t get any ideas in your head; they don’t do girlfriends in either sense. If they get close to a girl, you can bet they’re just stalking their prey, ready to strike at any moment.”

“No intention of being anywhere near them, but I get the feeling you’re friends with them and a girl.” She laughs at that comment.

“I’m the only exception to the rule. I have known the triplets all my life. Their father is my godfather, he has a shit ton of money, so if they mess with me, he wouldn’t be very happy. I’m the daughter he never had.”

I nod, I get it. Another school where money is power. I know what it’s like to fall from the top of the ladder. My father is extremely wealthy, his parents are filthy rich. My mother's side comes from money, also. People only want to be friends with you for a few reasons: money, or connections that could benefit their families. I clutch the silver heart that hangs around my neck, containing a small picture of Zeke and I together.

I don’t get a chance to ask her what I should do about my locker being near theirs before she takes off down the hall. How weird, she didn’t even say goodbye. I let go of the locket and wipe a lone tear from my eye. I can’t think about Zeke, it still hurts too much. Pulling my cardigan sleeves down all the way, my map is now worse for wear, having scrunched it between a clenched fist. I try to straighten it out as much as possible.

The lunch hall was not hard to find, given I followed a group of girls in hopes they would lead me to food. I was right, joining the never-ending line that moves at snail's pace, I wait my turn to be served.

With a fruit salad and juice, I scan the building, looking for somewhere to sit. I notice a girl sitting on her own, close to the entry doors, and I make my way over to her. She keeps her head down, her long dark hair covering both sides of her face.

Slipping my tray on the table, she jumps almost clear out of her seat. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s okay, I just didn’t see you coming, no one usually sits with me.” I watch as she fiddles with her fork as she talks.

“Do you mind if I join you? I just started today. I’m Cyrus.” She looks up at me, she’s stunning, her dark complexion and light blue eyes are mesmerising.

“Luna…I don’t mind, but if I were you, I would steer clear of me. I’m the school leper right now.” Good to see rich and popular kids still being themselves.

“Says who?” I ask, shovelling a piece of watermelon in my mouth.
