Page 21 of Diesel

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“Fine, it’s a deal. I will be nice until you smooth it over, but as soon as you do, you let me know. I’m a grown man now, and you can’t keep me under your thumb forever.”

He doesn’t respond, but when his phone rings, he gives me a pointed look that says you’re dismissed. I get up from my seat and go find my mother so I can say goodbye.

I traipse through the house and find her in her library. She has always loved to read and escape into a book. My father built her a personal library, and she has been filling it with books for years. She loves to collect every edition of certain books, which seems like a waste if you ask me. The content is the same, but the cover is different.

She is sitting in her little nook, her phone pressed to her ear.

“Do you think it’s a smart idea? It could be too soon.”

She looks up at me when she hears me enter. I smile, walking over to her, and I place a kiss on her cheek. “I have to go, I’ll call you.”

She nods, and I leave her to talk to my aunt. My mum helps her deal with my cousin, Sax. He has always been a wild card, and as my mum says, that’s what happens when you throw money at your problems instead of dealing with them. When Sax fucks up, my aunt spoils him. When I fucked up, my mother would ground me and take my shit away. I hated it and wished she was more like my aunt, but now I appreciate the effort and time she spent on me to try and make me a better person. I can’t say it worked when my role model is my father, but I love her more for it.

Cuyler texts me and says that they are down in the clearing having a small bonfire and a few drinks. Everyone will have had to deal with their fathers today and lodging their bids. Most will be people they have no desire to fight for, but we all know how it works.

I take my golf cart and make a point to run over the freshly planted flowers that my father’s gardener would have to replant and make my way to the clearing. It's not far from here since it’s on our private property.

I can see the embers from the fire as I near the pit. We don’t associate with most of the other younger Alphas, besides Hendrixx, Huntley, and Draven, since they will take our place at the top of the food chain next year and lead their Alphas.

Someone’s portable speaker is set up, and “American Psycho” by D12 blasts through the darkness. I park my cart next to Rebel’s and jump out, grabbing a Jack from the esky on my way down into the pit.

“How was dinner with the parentals?” Hendrixx laughs.

“I survived it. My mum was talking to my aunt, so that means my cousin has fucked up again.”

“I’m surprised that your father hasn’t murdered him yet. I wonder how he likes military school?” Draven asks.

“Knowing Sax, he’s blackmailing someone high up so that he can sleep in and smuggle him in cigarettes,” I answer, and it’s the truth, Sax would not be doing well with taking orders.

“Fucking stupid spider webs,” Lux yells, coming through the trees, waving her fists in the air and kicking her legs, her bright purple doc martins crunching down on twigs. Lux is a pretty tough chick, but spiders are her weakness. Cyrus trails behind her, trying not to laugh. She has a stick in her hand and throws it before she reaches the pit. Rogue jumps up and tries to help Lux into the pit, but she smacks his hand away and jumps down herself. Cyrus looks down nervously, and Rogue offers her his hand. She jumps down, nervously eyes the fire and finds a seat as far away from it as she can. Lux brings her a Jack, and she smiles at her but doesn’t rush to open it.

After her stint in rehab, I’m sure she probably shouldn’t be drinking, but I’m not her father, she can do what she wants here. No one brings up the fights, they know better than to talk in front of anyone who isn’t an Alpha. Our fathers would have our heads, teenagers fighting each other to win contracts and girls, it’s illegal on so many levels.

Lux talks, her hands gesturing wildly, and Cyrus laughs, opening her drink. She takes a small sip, and it isn’t long before she starts to loosen up.

I find myself watching her for the better part of two hours, wondering if it's possible for me to be nice. “Close your mouth, you’re starting to drool a little.” Cuy jokes, sitting down beside me.

“Fuck off,” I smirk. “There is no drooling, just trying to figure out if I should fuck her first or if she is the type of girl that needs wining and dining.”

Cuyler laughs. “From what I know, she isn’t likely to do either. It’s going to take a lot more than the Briar charm to win her over.”

“You know once I win my fight, you have to stay the fuck away from her right?” I don’t take my eyes off her as I tell him.

“We’re just friends.”

“Don’t bullshit me, Cuyler, we have known each other for a long time, and I see the way you look at her. It’s sure as shit not the same way you look at Blaine.”

“So what if I do, you know I have to fight for Blaine. It’s messed up, but maybe Cyrus just makes it all a little better. Maybe you would know that if you even bothered to talk to her. She’s pretty cool.”

“I don’t want to get to know her. I want to fuck her and break her, so when I do, it’s too late for my father to do anything.”

“Man, you’re an idiot. You’re not out from under your father for at least another five years. You would really play with her for that long?”

I shrug. She isn’t ugly, and if I play my cards right, I can cross all the shit off my list that my father expects of me, and then when he signs his business over to me, I can sell it off and see his face before he has one foot in his grave.

“I don’t know what I plan to do yet. It depends on how invested my father is.”

“I think you’re full of shit, she is the first girl that hasn’t dropped her panties for you and fallen at your feet, and you don’t like it.”
