Page 23 of Diesel

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Diesel storms in before I die of embarrassment, and Rebel is smirking at me and winks. Before I know what’s happening, Diesel picks me up like a rag doll and takes us both out of class. A few steps outside the door, he lets me go, and I slide down his body.

“I have feet you know, if you asked nicely I would have come with you.” He raises an eyebrow at me. “Fine, I would have told you to piss off.”

“What did he say to you?” Diesel demands, his hands resting on my shoulders and his body bent slightly as he stares down at me.

“What did who say?” I snap, irritated that he pulled me out of class after being late in the first place.

“Sax,” he demands, clearly irritated at me for not knowing who he was talking about. Mind reading is something he must think I should be able to do.

“Why do you even care?”

We’re in a stare off, and I blink first. Damn it, the guy must have no soul. Nope, he finally blinked too. I smile to myself, maybe he is human after all.

“I didn’t say I cared, I asked what he said.” He is clearly losing his patience now, and a small part of me is excited to gain that response.

“He asked me where I had been all his life, and I said something smart and tried to walk to class before you came over all he-man and asserted your alpha dominance bullshit.”

“Why are you even here? Everything was fine before you arrived.”

I’m thrown off by his comment. I open my mouth and close it, thinking carefully about what I say to him. He is perceptive and will know if I lie to him.

“Because I’ve done things I’m not proud of, and my father decided he was done with me. I doubt my presence here would be a big deal if you just ignored me and went about your business.”

“You naïve little girl, your father really has sheltered you. I’m going to have fun with you.” He runs a finger down my face. “If only you knew what we have in store for you. Since you ruined my life, I plan to take you down with me.”

I’m stunned, stuck in a state of shock at his words. How could I possibly have ruined his life by sharing a room with him? He stomps off in a huff, muttering to himself as he goes. I don’t bother asking what he means, I’m sure he wouldn’t tell me anyway. I shift from foot to foot and watch as he walks away.

“So.” Cuyler says from behind me, making me jump out of my skin.

“Shit, Cuy, you almost made me pee a little bit.” He laughs and throws an arm over my shoulders. Pulling me close to his body, the smell of the ocean clings to him and takes me back to the summers I spent with Zeke on the opposite side of this island, carefree with my whole life ahead of me.

“Turns out, if we go back into class we’ll have detention. So, I vote that we chill and watch a movie. I can get us excused.”

“Why would I want to skip with you?” I ask, and he turns to face me, removing his arm from around my shoulders, his wavy beach blonde hair hanging across his face, his sky-blue eyes looking down on me.

“Because I’m awesome,” he says, adding a huge smile.

“How can I say no to that adorable face?” I say, pinching his cheek between my fingers. Maybe I can try to pry a little on what goes on here behind the scenes. Diesel thinks that I’m naïve, that I have no idea what our world is like, but what he doesn’t realise is I have never had to be involved in the politics of money and power. I had Zeke, his family had money, we were destined to spend our lives together; we were happy about that arrangement. I know all about fathers sending their daughters to schools like this to have them around the elite of the elite.

Once again Cuy throws his arm around my shoulders as we walk away from the science building, back past Sax and his friends. They hoot and call out, but I try my best to ignore them. I don’t miss Cuyler’s body going stiff, though. There’s clearly history between them, evident enough by Diesel's reaction.

Briar has a student parking lot for all the golf carts. The Alphas have designated spots, and the rest of us just park wherever.

We take my cart back to our dorm. Cuyler chats the whole way back about his love of surfing and makes me promise to take some lessons from him. I don’t make him any promises, I’m not a huge fan of the ocean, with all the sharks and bitey things. If you can’t see the bottom then it goes against nature to leave it up to fate.

Walking into the lobby of the dorm, there are a few boxes stacked neatly by the lift.

“Sweet, they came. Help me carry a box?” He asks, rather than demands like a certain asshole would. I nod, and he passes me the smallest of the three.

When we reach our level, the lift pings and the doors slide open, I step out first and place my box on the counter. Cuyler does the same and starts tearing into the boxes.

He eventually finds what he is looking for. “Here, I ordered these for you.”

I take the armful of clothes he hands me.

“Why would you order me clothes?” I ask sceptically, eyeing him over the pile. He gives me a duh look in return.

“Because we’re friends, and this is my clothing line.” I hold up an oversized long sleeve black T-shirt that has Cuyler printed across the front with multi-coloured letters, hues of blues and greens. In the pile is also some work out gear, leggings, and a long-sleeve crop; the fact that he noticed I only wear long sleeves is greatly appreciated.
