Page 24 of Diesel

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“I love them, thank you.” He nods and walks into the kitchen and pulls out a popcorn maker. I make my way to my room to get out of my uniform and throw on a pair of black cotton mini shorts and my oversized Cuyler shirt.

When I make my way back to the living area, he’s already lounging on the couch and a large bowl of buttered popcorn is on his lap. His eyes give me a once over, and he takes me in as I walk towards him, a smile plastered on his face. Taking a seat beside him, I lean over and snatch the remote from his hand. He pretends to be offended, but he gives in and tells me to pick something.

Even though he changed out of his uniform into a light blue pair of board shorts and a loose fitted singlet top–one that hangs low in the sides–he still smells of the beach. It’s oddly comforting. As much as I hate to be reminded of my past, it helps replace the bad memories always at the forefront of my mind.

“Are you going to pick a movie or keep staring at me?”

I whack him in the bicep. “I wasn’t staring, I was thinking. I don’t get it. You guys, I mean, Rebel acts like he wants to screw me, Wilder acts like I pissed in his cornflakes, you have decided to befriend me, the rest try to ignore I exist, and Diesel hates me. I just want to know why. I can’t help but feel like something is off.” He turns to face me, crossing his legs so he fits sideways on the lounge chair.

“One – Rebel most likely does want to fuck you, he likes fresh meat. Two – Wilder has a chip on his shoulder and the whole world is out to get him, kind of attitude. Three – I wanted to be your friend because you’re the first person to not give a shit about who we are. Four – The others don’t ignore your existence, it’s just how we all usually are, and five - it might be hard for you to believe, but Diesel doesn’t hate you, quite the opposite actually. You challenge him, and he doesn’t know what to do about it.”

“And you say girls are confusing.” He smiles and snatches the remote from me while I’m distracted. He flicks through a few movies and surprises me by picking The Kissing Booth. He jokes about finally having someone to watch ‘these’ types of movies with since he can’t exactly watch them with the guys. I don’t mind. Noah Flynn is the type of guy all us girls want to land, but in reality, we don’t all get a happy ever after and not all of us want that.

I find myself watching Cuy as he watches the movie. His face is so expressive. He’s the kind of guy I wish I could fall for, but yet it’s Diesel bloody Briar that makes my heart beat frantically every time he steps into a room, even if it’s from anger. Feelings that I have long since buried and don’t deserve to feel.

Halfway through the movie, he gets the cushion from behind his back and puts it on my lap, laying his head on me. He doesn’t stop me when I start playing with his hair and putting in small braids.

By the time the movie credits are rolling, Cuyler is seated on the floor between my legs so I could finish his hair.

The one thing about the lift here is it doesn’t make a sound, no loud ding to warn you of someone’s arrival, our only warning is the sound of voices. We both turn to see who arrived, and everyone stops talking. Diesel, Wilder, and the triplets exit the lift. Diesel stares us down, but everyone else is looking at Diesel.

“Why didn’t you answer your fucking phone?” Diesel snaps, his question directed at Cuyler.

“We were watching a movie, my phone is on charge in my room.” Cuyler stands, and I follow suit. Diesel's glare takes in my choice of outfit, his eyes narrowing, and he inhales before turning his attention anywhere but on me.

“Why does he get the fresh meat?” Rebel huffs, which ends on a groan as one of his brothers slaps him upside the head. “What? All the pussy here is old pussy. All the pussy I haven’t had is taken.” Rebel looks at me and winks. I shake my head.

“No one touches her pussy.” Diesel snaps. I throw my hands on my hips, who is he to say what I do with my body. I don’t want to screw any of them, but how dare he just flat out say that no one can touch it. Women have come so far, yet not far enough when a man thinks he has a damn right to dictate what a woman can do with her body.

“I think fresh meat has an issue with that.” Rebel laughs. All eyes turn to me, he is damn right I have an issue with it, just not the reason I’m sure Rebel is thinking. These guys would never have a shortage of girls throwing themselves at them.

“I can screw whoever I like, I don’t need your damn permission.” I watch the expression of the guys standing before me. Wilder and the triplets have sick grins spreading across their faces, Cuyler has his head down, and Diesel is impassive as he takes a step towards me. Like an animal stalking its prey, ready to pounce at any second. When he is mere inches from me, my heart races. I straighten my back, ready for a fight.

“That’s where you’re wrong, anything that happens here is up to me. No one will touch you, and within the hour, everyone will get the memo. Try, I dare you.” He waits for my reaction, and it’s then that a thought hits me. Diesel may control what happens to the students here, but what about those who don’t attend Briar?

I take a step closer, looking up into his dark brown eyes, they’re so dark it's hard to decipher his eye colour from the pupil. “So let me get this straight, you control the actions of every student here at Briar?” He nods, neither of us breaking eye contact. My traitorous heart skips a beat, and goosebumps break out over my body at the close proximity. I quickly remind myself that a guy like him is the reason I ended up here. I smile up at him, and he cocks an eyebrow at me. “I wonder if Sax is still here, I’m sure he would help scratch an itch if I asked nicely.” His face turns murderous, his already hollow glare flickers, the slight amusement he had throwing down with me is gone. His tattooed hand whips out and wraps around the back of my neck, his grip hard, most likely leaving imprints in my skin. He leans down so close to my face, his lips so close to mine I want to lean in and feel them against mine. It might ease the ache between my legs.

“If you think the way Luna is treated now is bad, see what will happen to the little orphan if you even try. You openly declared war with me by coming here and not falling in line. If you have an itch, I will scratch it, but be warned, little girl, there is no screwing here. Men like me, we fuck. I would take great pleasure in breaking you.”

I declared war with him by coming here? Maybe this guy has a few screws loose. He seriously can’t be that daft. As if I targeted him specifically. Well I did, but he can’t know that, or maybe he is so full of himself that he thinks everyone either wants him or is out to get him. I push against his chest with all my might, and he steps back willingly letting go of my neck.

“Seriously, none of you will say anything?” I screech, looking at the rest of the guys in the room. “Especially you?” I point to Wilder. “She was your best friend, you make me sick. You can all go to hell.” I scream in frustration and storm into my room.

I can’t believe I just let him get to me, he knew what he was doing using Luna against me. He wants a war, well game on. In our world, it pays to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I need to find out what his agenda is and use it against him to show him how it feels to fall from the top.

Chapter Twelve


What the fuck is wrong with me? I was happy to go along with my father’s plan. I could have used it to benefit me. Him owing me one is a huge deal. I still have to come up with what I actually want and need to be smart about it. But as soon as my damn cousin steps foot on campus, he fucking sniffs her out. The one motherfucker that won’t fall in line, and my damn reaction will have him chasing after her now no matter what I do or say.

“I hear Sax is back,” Emory states the obvious as I beat the fuck out of the punching bag. I needed to let my anger out and fast. Sax being back would have been approved by my father, which means he is trying to play me.

“Don’t act like you didn’t know,” I snap. Emory laughs and shakes his head.

“Actually, I didn’t. He did tell me your plan to fight for Cyrus, but with Sax being back, that means he plans to play you off against each other. He knows how much you despise Sax and won’t let him win. It’s a guarantee you’ll fall in line.”

“He really is an evil fucking genius.” I sneer.
