Page 32 of Diesel

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“Not a fan of the man with the dimple? I’ve seen many girls drop their panties with that smile.” He says, leaning in close enough for only me to hear him. I laugh at his comment.

“Not a fan of someone who ditches their childhood friend, and now what? He thinks one smile, and Luna will just fall in line?” He’s so close I can feel the heat from his skin through my cardigan. All of the Alphas are still shirtless, wearing nothing more than a variation of basketball shorts. It’s enough to have every girl in this room following them with their eyes, just wishing they were enough to gain their attention.

“I’m sure that’s exactly what will happen, it’s how it is around here. You’re new, be thankful you’re only here for the year.” He’s right, that is something to be thankful for. The lights dim, and a guy steps into the ring. He starts talking, but I tune him out so I can continue talking to Cuyler.

“Still, no reason to act like dickwads.” He leans in closer; he still smells like the beach on a hot summer's day.

“I like you, Cyrus.” He says, leaning in closer again, our lips almost touching.

“Too bad you have a girlfriend.” I whisper. I’m drawn to Cuy, he is nice and feels so safe. Do I want to be that girl, the one who opts for safety over excitement? I have been that girl my entire life, and I have learned that safe is a lie, no one is ever safe.

“Not everything is as it seems.” He whispers back.

My attention is diverted to Sax, he leans in and whispers in my ear to laugh, that Diesel is watching. I do laugh but because they must have a feud that goes way back, and I also find it amusing to piss Diesel off. My traitorous heart beats wildly at the thought of Diesel being mad, the thrill that he might storm over here and rip Sax away from me. Even though in the back of my mind, Diesel’s father’s warning sits there.

A loud crashing sound comes from the back of the room. The girls scream, and a path clears down the centre of the room. Diesel, full of rage, storms down the middle, giving a clear view of the destruction he caused. The chairs in the back of the room, near the sound system, have been smashed against a wall. He looks like he is running on pure adrenaline. The MC scrambles to the middle of the ring, bringing his mic to his mouth.

“Ladies and miscreants, it looks like the cold hard killer is making his way to the ring. It’s the fight you have all been waiting for.” Diesel stands in the right corner, looking in our direction, his eyes focused on mine with pure hatred shining brightly in them.

“What did I do to piss him off? ” I ask Cuyler with a laugh as Sax jumps the ropes. I know talking to Sax would have made him mad, but that look was more than that.

“You exist in his life, and he doesn’t want you to. Whatever happens, just remember I’m here for you.” He gets up and walks away just as I’m about to ask what he means. I do have a basic understanding in how the fights work, and if he wins, Cuyler has to follow whatever rules Diesel puts down, so he won’t be there for me like he claims he will.

“In the right hand corner we have Diesel, our undefeated champion for the last five years, and in the left hand corner is the wannabe Briar, Sax.” The crowd goes insane.

The bell rings, and Kelby and Co. walk around with signs as if they’re important. Sax looks at me and winks, he’s baiting Diesel, which is a big mistake on his behalf. Diesel charges and knocks him to the ground, raining down blows to his torso. Sax rolls and springs back to his feet, straight up from his back, with a sinister smile on his face. This time he gets in a few punches on Diesel.

After a few minutes, a bell sounds and both of them go back to their corners. I watch as Diesel and Cuyler exchange words, but it doesn’t look pleasant. Rebel breaks up their spat, while all three look in my direction. Rebel shakes his head at whatever is said and walks off. Cuyler cuts eye contact and walks away. Diesel looks at me, mouths something, and I think it’syou’re mine.

“O.M.G did you see the way he was looking at you?” Luna asks. Her eyes wide like saucers. “Nothing good can come from that.”

“Mmhmm, I did see how someone else was looking at you.” I use a sceptical tone.

“I know, but we’ve been friends for so long, I at least need to hear him out. Did you want to come to the hangout?” I hate this for her, I should just tell her. I open my mouth to tell her we need to talk when Lux catches my eye. She slaps one of the triplets and stalks in our direction.

“Nah, I’m just going to go back to my room. Are you sure you’ll be okay?” The shouts and screams in the background indicate the fight is still happening behind us.

“She’ll be fine with me.” Wilder says, joining us and throwing his arm around Luna's shoulders. She melts into his side like she belongs there. She ended up texting him back earlier. I want to be a good friend and tell her, yet something tells me that she is so in love with him that he would be able to talk his way out of it.

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” I snap, as Lux stumbles to my side, using my arm to keep herself upright.

“You think you can just come in here and know anything about us, you will be a nobody in no time.” He throws out in a venomous tone. Luna goes to say something, but Lux intervenes.

“Fuck off, Wilder, you all think your shit don’t stink. Well maybe if everyone knew the secrets I know.” Her mascara has run down her face, and she smells like pure alcohol. If she goes near an open flame, I’m afraid of how flammable she would be. The thought of fire makes my stomach churn. Wilder looks as if he is going to burst a blood vessel in his face. Maybe Lux is a little higher on the food chain than he is, or she has three Alphas who have her back.

“Let’s get out of here.” She says to me, pulling me out by the arm. The crowd behind us goes crazy as we walk from the building, the fight clearly coming to an end. I guess I will find out who won soon enough.

Lux takes us on a wild goose chase. She staggers through some rough bush land, swigging from a bottle of vodka that magically appeared out of nowhere. She keeps rambling about how they keep fighting over her like she’s just a piece of meat.

“You know.” She slurs as we approach a clearing in the bush and a lake appears. A fire is ready to be lit, and logs of wood are set up strategically to be used as seats. “Things will change for you by the time they get here. I would run if I were you, Diesel is scary, he will ruin you. You will never be able to tell if he is playing you or not, they do this shit for fun. He will seduce you with the sole purpose of destroying everything good about you.” Her footing goes, and she falls to the ground.

I can’t tell her that is exactly why I’m here, that I’m playing him. My heart is already shattered into a million tiny pieces, and there is no way that Diesel could even start to put them together enough to break me again.

“How do you know he won?” I ask, offering her a hand, pulling her up.

“He always does.” She stumbles again and falls back on the ground in hysterical laughter. Her laughter is followed by light snores; she has fallen asleep in the dirt, half leaning against a tree. Her snores interrupted by branches snapping and muffled voices coming towards us.

The nine Alphas I know come into view, just barely, almost in slow motion. All that is missing is the smoke and lighting effects, it’s almost comical.
