Page 33 of Diesel

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Her snoring stops, and her hysterical laughter starts again making me jump. I look down at her, and she holds her hand up for me to pull her to her feet. I reach down, but this time, she pulls me down, and I fall in the dirt next to her. She is laughing so hard she has tears streaming down her face.

“What’s so funny?” I ask, trying to pull myself out of her lap and up into a sitting position.

“I’m like the only girl the rules don’t seem to apply to, just wait and see, you will be Diesel's girl by the end of the week and wait until he drops you like a sack of shit. But me? They will never let me go.”

I don’t even know how to respond to her. She looks up, and I follow suit. My breath is knocked from my chest. When you’re in close proximity to one hot guy, you might be able to keep your composure but not when it’s almost a dozen.

“Get up,” Diesel demands, still wearing nothing but a pair of basketball shorts hanging low on his hips. He throws his hands to his hips, while I stare up at him in disbelief that he thinks he can just order me around. “Are you hard of hearing, get up.”

Standing, I dust the dirt from my clothes. My orders were to play nice, even if I don’t want to. So here is me giving it my best damn shot. I just don’t know how long I can keep my comments to myself.

One of the triplets picks Lux up, and she snuggles into his chest. Most of the Alphas disperse and mingle, while I’m left standing between Cuyler and Diesel.

Someone starts counting down, and I slightly turn my body, but with how dark it is, it’s impossible to see anything now. “Three, two, one.” BOOM. My whole body goes limp, my legs like jelly, and my mind is taken back as I feel myself fall to the ground. Time slows down, and my vision is blurred.

“Let me go!” I scream at the person pulling me back. Zeke is in the car, I can’t get his seatbelt undone. BOOM, the noise is so loud it rings through my ears. I try to move again, but someone drags me away. I try to claw my way out of their grip, but their hold is tight so I can’t run towards the car. My knees are weak, but strong arms keep me standing.

I stand and watch as my best friend burns. It might have been minutes or hours when the fire brigade, police, and ambulance finally arrived. The paramedic takes me away, but I can’t leave, I just can’t. It should have been me, I can’t let him die without me.

“Bambi, can you hear me? It's okay, just breathe.” I hear Cuyler's voice bringing me back to the present enough to hear what they’re saying, but I refuse to open my eyes.

“Get your hands off her.” Diesel seethes. I can’t deal with him right now, I need Zeke.

“Or what? Can’t you see she’s scared?” Cuyler seems to be the only one who is even slightly willing to stand up to Diesel.

“I can see that, why don’t you go back to your girlfriend and leave what’s mine alone.” Screw him, I will never be his, I will always belong to Zeke. I rock back and forth, shaking my head no.

“Is that what this is about? Screw you, D man.” The arguing stops again, and my head is going in circles. A strong hand wraps under my legs and another around my back, before being pulled up into a bare chest. Burying my head in him, I keep my eyes closed, trying to keep myself calm. I can’t go back, I can’t think about it.

I must have fallen asleep because I wake being placed on my bed. Opening my eyes, I look up at Diesel, who is staring down at me with concern. I almost feel the need to squirm under his intensity.

“Are you okay?” He asks. I’m almost positive he may have had a personality transplant on the walk back here.

“Why do you care?” I snap, still pissed at everything that has come to light. The softness on his face lifts, replaced with a feral glare, his right eye is starting to form a bruise, and his lip is slightly busted.

“I don’t.” He throws back, opening his closet and pulling out a shirt. Sitting up, I study him, watching the way his biceps flex as he slides the shirt over his head.

“I think you do, Diesel, and it’s eating at you from the inside out. You put on this facade so people can’t see the scared little boy that just wants to be loved and accepted.” I say, sitting up, swinging my legs over the side of my double bed.

“Loved? Sorry to disappoint you, but there is nothing inside me besides a heartless beast, you’ll see.” He places his cap on backwards; his eyes never leave mine.

“I hate you,” I throw out. Hate is a strong word, maybe too strong since I barely know him, but he has ignited something inside me that somewhat resembles hate.

“You don’t hate me, but you should.” I poke my tongue out at him, like the mature person I am and lay back on my pillow, tears falling from my eyes. I wish I could go back in time and have a do over of the night Zeke died.


A scream rips from my lungs and sweat pours down my face, the smell of burning flesh embedded in my nose. “Help him, help him.” I repeat over and over, rocking back and forward.

“Cyrus.” A faint voice murmurs. I look around and see no one, no one is here to help me.

“Please help him, it burns, it burns.” I know I sound crazy, but it all seems so fresh. I can smell my flesh burning as if I’m right back there again, watching my best friend perish in that fire. I feel my entire body starting to shake. “I don’t want to be broken anymore; I feel so hollow.”

Diesel climbs into my bed and pulls me down against his bare chest, wrapping his arms around my body while stroking my hair. “That makes two of us.” He says before I drift back off to sleep.

Chapter Sixteen

