Page 39 of Diesel

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“Ask him where he was last night?” She fires back.

“I don’t need to, you think I’m insecure and want to try and exploit that. We’re not together, I don’t need to keep tabs on him.” I string her along, it’s funny how some gossip can ruffle so many feathers.

“You should, it’s me who keeps his bed warm almost every night.” She fires back at me and flips her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

“That’s what you’re going with?” Luna interjects. “You know they share a room, so why lie?”

I laugh and wink at Kelby, sliding my laptop bag further up on my shoulder and walking away with Luna following behind me, laughing. We make our way to form, and Luna says her goodbyes when we reach the classrooms.

I take my seat, waiting for the guys to come to class. Cuyler is the first to walk in, he looks at me and smiles, taking a seat to my left. Mr. Briar is next to walk in, and he has bruises covering various parts of his face. He looks at me and quickly looks away. What the hell? I wonder if he and Diesel got into a fight.

“Miss Jamison, please see me after class.” He doesn’t look at me, just demands to meet him after class.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Cuyler says to Emory, a clear warning in place. These guys confuse me. Cuy is quick to warn me about Diesel, and yet he is sitting here staring down at Diesel's uncle, our teacher.

“I didn’t ask for your opinion, Cuyler.” Emory snaps, dropping a textbook to the table with a loud bang. The sound of it slamming down is so loud a poor girl in the front row almost jumps out of her own skin.

“It’s fine.” I say to Cuy, placing my hand over his. “It is probably for the extra maths work I spoke with him about.” I remove my hand as Diesel takes his seat next to me; I hadn’t seen him come into the room.

“I see you wore the short skirt today,” he whispers into my ear. I should have thrown this uniform out, keeping it as a spare seemed like a good idea at the time, but it barely covers anything.

“Funny thing, my other ones were all gone this morning. You wouldn’t happen to know where they all disappeared to, would you?” He looks at me with hooded eyes, a finger traces up my thigh, clearly, he plans to follow through with his promise to seduce me.

Our little bubble is popped as we are interrupted by Mr Briar. “Diesel, if you're done, we can start.” He smiles, he was baiting his uncle. I push his hand off my leg, wanting to get on with the lesson.

He tucks my hair behind my ear. “Okay done now, continue.” Mr. Briar rolls his eyes and starts on the morning messages, nothing overly important to share.

“Since there are no other messages, you’re dismissed.” Students start filing from the room. Diesel picks up my laptop bag and holds it out to me. I take it from him with a small smile and hang it on my shoulder.

“I have to see your uncle, meet you outside.” Diesel’s body goes rigid, and I refuse to acknowledge it. Whatever their deal is, it’s not my problem.

“I’ll come with you.” He demands. I don’t need to have a teacher on my bad side, so I start shaking my head no.

“I will just be a minute.” He leans in, pressing his lips against mine. He deepens the kiss, his tongue caressing mine, and I moan before breaking apart. “You’re mine, Cyrus, don’t forget that.”

Diesel walks from class, watching his uncle the whole way. I stop at his desk, and he looks up at me.

“Be careful, Cyrus, I would hate to see a girl like you caught up in his games.”

I can hear the distaste in his mouth. Up until five minutes ago, I wasn’t doing anything, but seeing the reaction, I want to pick him apart and see what makes him tick. I can try to hide from it or embrace it, but for whatever reason, Diesel has decided we’re a thing. I could fight it or I could see where it leads me. I really can’t end up anywhere worse than I am now.

“I appreciate your concern, but I’ve figured out Diesel always gets what he wants, so I might as well enjoy the ride. What have I got to lose? My mum is long gone, my best friend is dead, and I’ve caused so much trouble. In the last year, I have forgotten who I am, numb to every emotion. Since meeting Diesel, I have started to remember who that person was, and even if his intentions are bad, maybe I can walk away from this a little less broken.”

“Well don’t say nobody warned you.” The way he looks at me is genuine.

“I look forward to the ‘I told you so,’ then.” I turn to walk away when his voice stops me.

“The GO wants to see you in her office.” I turn back to face him, feeling slightly bad that he is just trying to be nice.

“For what it’s worth, thanks for being concerned, no one has done that in a long time.” I don’t wait for him to reply this time, I walk out of class.

Diesel is leaning up against the wall, his arms crossed, his stance defensive. “What did he want?”

“To warn me about you.” I say, being completely honest. If I want to break down his walls, I need to find a way in, but I just hope he doesn’t see straight through me.

“He what?!” He says, pushing off the wall, but I stop him in his tracks as I place my hands on his chest, pushing him back against the wall. He doesn’t put up a fight, he just smirks at me.

“Don’t act surprised, you two clearly have issues. Just let it go. I have to go see the GO.”
