Page 40 of Diesel

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“The GO?” He questions, clearly someone he has never seen before.

“The guidance officer,” I reply. Standing on my tippy toes, I kiss his cheek, and we say our goodbyes.

Walking into the office, I approach the counter. “Hi, I’m here to see Olivia.”

“Go straight in, she is waiting for you.” I make my way to her office and only have to knock once before she calls me in.

“Take a seat, Cyrus.” I take a seat on the leather style couches she has set up, away from her desk, the seats set facing away from the window.

“So, I called you here to have a chat, as you know we have no other rooms to switch you into. I just wanted to check in and make sure you’re okay, those boys can be...a lot.” Her eyes somewhat light up at the mention of the ‘boys’. I wonder which one sparks her interest.

“They’ve been perfect gentlemen.” She arches her brow at me like I’m insane. “Honestly, being thrown in with them has helped me when you think about it.” I cross my legs and lean back into the seat.

“How so?” She asks, fiddling with her pen.

“They’re top of the food chain here, and for some reason, most of them have taken a liking to me, and by everyone's reaction that doesn’t happen often.” She looks up at me from under her massive glasses.

“How about never. Lux came here associated with them, same as Luna, and even then, they turned on her like she was yesterday’s trash. Kelby, Taleah, and Blaine’s fathers all have dealings with one of, if not more than one, of the boys fathers. Anyone else they showed interest in lasted a few days, and then they were in my office crying.” I can only imagine the things that she has been told about them.

“Well as you can see, I’m fine.” I wave my hand dismissively, I’m an idiot. Of course I’m an idiot, what sane person would jump in head first right into the centre of a wolves den. Someone so broken, she hoped they would tear her apart. But yet, the more time I spend with them, the less broken I feel.

“If things were ever to change, you know where I am.” We spend the rest of the time chatting about how things have been since starting here. With fifteen minutes to the lunch bell, she lets me leave early, and I make my way back to class to wait for Diesel. My phone vibrates in my laptop bag, and after retrieving it, I find a message from Cuyler.

Studmuffin:Why are you wandering the halls alone?

I should really change his name back before Diesel finds out, or not. The whole back and forward with us is part of the game.

Me:Why do you have your phone at school?

Studmuffin:Why do u?

Me:R u in class?

Studmuffin:Mrs. Stevenson is sending me to sleep.

Me:I had a nice chat to the GO about how you boys are treating me, apparently you being nice is out of character for all of you.

Studmuffin:What can I say, you’re hot : )

Me:Not complaining about all the abs I see daily either.

Studmuffin:If you wanted an orgy all you had to do was ask.

Me:In your dreams.

Studmuffin:Hell yes in my dreams.

Me:See you at lunch.

“Who is that?” I almost jump straight into a wall, my phone dropping from my hand, but I manage to catch it with the other.

“Holy shit, Diesel, you scared the life out of me.” My heart simmers down, the beat no longer feels like it is trying to escape from my oesophagus.

“Who has my girl all zoned out?” His arms snake around my waist, and his chin rests on top of my head.

“No one, and your girl huh? Who are you, and where is this asshole I have heard all about?” A deep chuckle rumbles through his chest and vibrates through my entire body.

“What can I say, you’ve tamed the beast.” I scoff at his comment; he cannot think I’m that daft.
