Page 5 of Diesel

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“It looks like I’ll have to bide my time until you fuck up then,” he says, clapping me on the shoulder as he walks off.

I head into the change rooms, and I notice a smaller kid huddled in the corner with a bunch of his classmates surrounding him.

“What the fuck is going on?” I growl. Each and every one of them turns to face me, no one daring to say anything. “You.” I point to the scrawny kid with glasses, no idea how he will make it as head Alpha. I know who he is, or more specifically his father, and he’s not a man you want on your bad side.

He moves forward and comes to stand in front of me. “You need to grow a backbone or they will walk all over you. Finish getting changed, go and see what my dickhead uncle wants and then come train with me. Be prepared to vomit. I don’t plan to go easy on you. And as for the rest of you assholes. He’s an Alpha, you don’t have to fucking like it, but he is. Make him stronger because you are only as strong as your weakest link. If I see that shit happening again, I’ll show you why I’m top of the food chain.”

They all stare at me with wide eyes, one looks like he might actually piss his pants. He better not or I will wipe the fucking floor with him. Fuck, if they think I’m scary, they have no idea what his father would do to them. He wouldn’t give a flying fuck that they’re twelve. What sort of piss ass kids do we have this year, and they are supposed to run this place in a few years? I’m so glad I won’t be here to deal with this shit after this year.

“What was that about?” Cuyler asks while pulling on his sneakers.

“Stupid little kids not realising they're picking on the wrong kid.” I say, removing my shirt and hanging it on a coat hanger in a cubby.

“What kid?”

“Lorenzo De Luca’s son, Matteo.”

“The head of the De Luca famiglia? Bloody hell, we don’t need that kind of heat over here. What the fuck was your father thinking?” Cuyler asks.

“What else… Money and connections. You know he is shady as fuck. At least Matteo’s father, Lorenzo, doesn’t pretend to be someone he isn’t. The poor kid is a damn twig, and those damn glasses won’t be doing him any good.”

Cuyler nods, dropping the conversation. Once I finish changing, we both head out to where the others are. We all know the drill. Emory has set up the entire room, and each year level will split around the room to keep it moving.

I snort when I see Rebel pointing to the ropes hanging from the roof. He knows Ryot specifically hates them the most. The poor little princess doesn’t like blisters. I give a sharp nod, and he claps. I see Hendrixx station himself and the rest of his Alphas and so on for the rest of the year levels, except the newbies. Emory is showing them how to warm up.

I send Cuyler over to the guys to start warming up, and I walk over and join Emory. I position myself next to Matteo, and he looks up at me in awe.

“Are you done with this one?” I ask Emory, nodding to the kid. “He trains with us.”

Emory raises a brow at me, and I can tell he wants to say no, but he’s not an idiot. The damn kid has a security guard here on campus. The big guy stands over in the corner of the room.

“Hey, big man,” I yell, and he looks me up and down. “Come train with us, and let's see if De Luca’s money is well spent on you.”

The guy looks at Matteo, and he nods. Handy to know he answers to the kid. “Nice to know you’re not a snitch.”

The kid looks up at me and shrugs. “I want to be able to fight my own battles.”

“Let’s go and get started. That way, one day you can show your father that you don’t need someone following you around all the time.” I nod at his security. “He might listen to you, kid, but your father pays his pay cheque. Don’t ever forget that.”

He nods and follows me. I quickly explain what we will be doing, and he seems to catch on quickly. He jumps into line in front of me, and we watch as Cuyler and the kids’ security pull themselves up the rope. Cuyler laughs as he looks down and watches the security struggling.

“Do you wear contacts?” Rogue asks the kid, and he nods.

“I just hate sticking my finger that close to my eyeballs.”

I laugh; I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t be able to do it. “Keep trying. It will make training easier, Coach won’t go easy on you, and since you’re head Alpha, you need to demand the respect of your peers.”

When it’s Matteo’s turn, Wilder goes up beside him, and I can see him explaining how to pull himself up. He doesn’t get far, but no one does their first try. The kid will have some serious blisters by the time he is finished.

“I think the fresh meat is lost. I might need to go and help her find her way,” Rebel jokes suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows.

I look out the window, and she is looking down at her map, turning it around in her hands.

“No, I’ll go.”

“You? Man, she will never fuck me if you go.”

“You might just have to try a little harder. Help the kid through the course; I want him to vomit by the time he is done.”
