Page 73 of Diesel

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“I’m glad he died in that fire,” Diesel sneers. “Oh, you thought I actually cared.” I pull back from him and look into his eyes. “That’s how easy it is to reel you back in.”

“Fuck you, Diesel.”

“I’ll pass, considering you’re a walking box of assorted Briar creams now.”

“You know damn well I didn’t fuck any of them, your pride or ego is stopping you from seeing that.”

“I don’t need to see shit. I just wanted you to see how pathetic you are and how quickly you would fall back into my arms.”

He turns his back and walks towards the elevator, but I call bullshit. Diesel wouldn’t go to the trouble of bringing me back here when I was drunk and cooking me breakfast if he didn’t care, no. He temporarily forgot, and when he remembered, he had to lash out.

“I think you’re lying, you still care, but you’re too afraid to admit that you're scared. Emory told me all about how your father tried to get rid of Belle, and that Sax decided to fuck her and then got her pregnant.”

He turns back to me, and his eyes are wild. “You don’t know what your fucking talking about, Sax never knocked her up.”

“That isn’t what your father told Emory when he paid her off to leave and have an abortion.”

He stalks back over to me and grabs me by the throat, I had anticipated it this time. “If you’re lying about this, I will snap this dainty little neck.”

“Go and ask Sax yourself,” I whisper. “I’m sure he will be more than happy to taunt you with it.”

“He would have already if it were true.”

“Are you sure? His inheritance might be on the line.”

Diesel swears under his breath and lets my throat go.


I decide to go to the food hall for lunch, even though I feel bad for throwing all of that at Diesel, but I needed to re-direct his anger. I need to make him see I’m not the bad guy.

The dining hall is almost empty when I walk in, I get a tray and stand in line looking over what lunch selections they have today. My stomach is still queasy, and I decide on a sandwich and a bottle of orange juice. I scan my card and take my tray to an empty table.

“You know you can’t keep avoiding me,” Luna says, plopping herself down in the seat opposite me.

“It’s not that easy. I don’t want you to go back to the way they were treating you. You have to be around them even after you graduate. Me, I plan to run far away.”

“If they want to control my friendships, then I will give it all up. Cyrus, you’re my best friend, and whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with me.”

Guilt washes over me, I like her but have been keeping her at arm's length. I know things I shouldn’t and until I tell her the truth, I can’t claim to be her friend.

“Luna, I need you to do something for me. Find Wilder and demand he tell you the truth about why you’re here. The real reason why he was pushing you away.”

“What are you talking about?” She asks.

“I want to give him a chance to tell you, but if he refuses, I will. It’s not my secret to tell, but if you are serious about me being your best friend, then you deserve to know the truth.”

She opens her mouth to say something when there is obnoxious laughter entering the room. I roll my eyes as Sax struts in. His lips turn up into a smirk when he spots me.

“Fuck my life,” I whisper. Why has every Briar decided that I’m on their radar? Him and a friend both walk my way, but there is no point looking away and pretending that I didn’t see him.

“Look what we have here, the Briar family whore. I’m still waiting for my turn. It's a win-win for the both of us, and you know it. Diesel will have kittens, and it’s highly amusing when he throws a tantrum.”

“Go away, Sax.”

He throws his head back and laughs. “As long as you’re associated with my family, I will always be around. Everyone wants a little piece of the Jamison pie.”

“And I wonder what happens if I give it all up, find some random to marry, and then I’m broke and no longer a Jamison. I’m within my right to donate every single cent I have.”
