Page 80 of Diesel

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“I’m sure they’re being little angels. Brick, this is my boyfriend, Diesel.”

“Nice to meet you. Is this a meet the father trip?” Brick asks.

“Nice to meet you too, and yes, this is my first time meeting a girl's family, and full disclosure, I'm shitting myself.”

Brick laughs at Diesel. “Mitchel is a good man, you will be fine.”

Brick fills me in on his daughters and their latest fad, which is makeup tutorials on YouTube. Brick has worked for my father for ten years, and he has seen me in so many stages of my life, and I feel like he is an uncle rather than someone on my father’s payroll. I know my father sees him as more than staff. He has been offered different positions within my father’s company, but he insists that he loves his job and doesn’t want a desk job.

I tap my leg as nerves kick in. Diesel places his hand over my knee and gives it a small squeeze. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m nervous, the last time we saw each other in person was the day I came out of rehab. I ignored them and just left to come here. I haven’t been the greatest daughter for the last few years.”

“I’m sure your father understands that you have been through a lot.”

I know he's right, but it doesn’t change my behaviour and the strain it would have had on my father’s life, all while he was also grieving. Back then I didn’t even consider his feelings on losing Mum, he always held it together. Now that I’m older, I know he would have been acting strong for us both. She was his soulmate and losing her would have broken him inside.

My father’s beach side property comes into view. It’s been a while since I have been here, and memories flash before my eyes. I want to run, hide, and bury myself in self-pity until Diesel links our hands together, like he knew where I was going.

“I’ll be your strength when you’re feeling vulnerable. I know I have said some things about Zeke that I can’t take back, but while I feel jealous of your past, I would never want you to forget him. His life led you to me, and I will be forever indebted to him. Even if that means keeping his memory alive, that’s what I will help you do.”

“Thank you, I’m not feeling strong right now. I want to itch my scars right open and bleed.”

Brick parks the car in the driveway and excuses himself, saying he will meet us in the house.

“Just look at me and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. I’m not going anywhere. We can sit here as long as you need.”

We sit in silence for a few minutes until I compose myself. “I’m ready.”

Diesel nods and slides out of the car, coming around to open my door. Once I’m out, I see my father standing on the balcony, watching us, and he smiles when I make eye contact. I didn’t tell Diesel that my father doesn’t like face, neck, or hand tattoos. Diesel has two of the three.

My hands are clammy as we get closer to the front steps, but thankfully, Diesel has his palm on my lower back so he doesn’t notice. One thing my father is a fan of is being a gentleman. Opening doors for a woman, letting her lead the way into a room. Walking curb side is a big one for him. I used to always want to watch the cars as they would drive down the street, but he would never let me walk on that side, always telling me that a man will always walk closest to the road, that it’s his job to protect his wife and children. Maybe it’s old school, but it seems rare these days to find a real gentleman.

One could argue that sending me to a school notoriously known for its fights and business deals isn’t very gentleman-like, but not everyone is perfect, and today, we will find out how he truly feels.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Everything is starting to line up perfectly. Marlow agreed to find any traces of the sex tape and destroy them, as a freebie he called it. Especially after Chester lost it, thinking about some asshole doing that to his child. Finding dirt on my father, that is going to cost me. I never wanted to involve anyone else in my family drama and wanted to find the dirt myself, but it’s time now to find a way out.

Cyrus’s comment about my mother really hit home, and I now realise all the hate that I harbour towards my father makes me a shitty person, and I had started to become the very man I didn’t want to be. Instead, I want to be someone my mum can be proud of, and not just her anymore, I want Cyrus to be proud of me too.

I saw her father when he stepped outside and watched us curiously. I instantly knew I wasn’t going to be able to read this man. I normally can get a good idea on someone quickly, but Mr. Jamison hasn’t risen to the top without knowing how to withhold his emotions.

Once Cyrus is ready, we exit the car, her muscles are tense as I rest my palm against her back. Her father smiles at her just as we reach the bottom steps. I remove my hand from her lower back and link our hands. No matter how much I’m intimidated by meeting my girl’s father, let alone that man being one who could help me find a way to get out from under my father’s thumb, I refuse to cower in his presence.

When we reach the top step, Cyrus unlinks our hands and moves to her father, wrapping her arms around him.

“I missed you,” he says. Cyrus doesn’t respond, I know she’s trying to keep it together. She pulls back and quickly wipes her eyes.

“Dad, this is my boyfriend, Diesel.”

I’m not exactly sure when we started using labels, and normally if a girl referred to me as their boyfriend, I would have corrected them straight away, but this feels right. I like the way 'boyfriend' sounds coming from her lips. I could even go as far as saying it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, not that I would ever admit that out loud to anyone.

“Diesel, this is my dad, Mitchel.”

“Pleasure to meet you, sir.”
