Page 83 of Diesel

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“I should give you a minute,” I say, standing.

“Please stay, she will need you.”

Mitchel goes on to explain to Cyrus that he is being blackmailed by my father and why. I grip her hand tight and whisper to hear him out. Her body shakes, but she remains quiet. He also tells her that her mother knew about the affair but wasn’t sad, she just wanted him to be happy, and he thought he was until he found out months ago that Celine was having an affair of her own with my father, and she was going to tell everyone that he cheated on her mother.

When I hear the clacking of heels, I jump from my seat and unlock the door, Celine pops her head in, both Mitchel and I look up at her. “A friend of mine is here on holiday, and I was thinking that I might pay her a visit, that way you and Cyrus can catch up.”

“That sounds like a great idea, is your friend picking you up? Brick won’t be back for a while.”

Celine nods. “She is.”

Once Celine leaves, I explain to Mitchel and Cyrus the plan that I have formulated. I need to give Marlow more time to get me the information I require to bring my father down. I think that it would be poetic to do it at the last fight night, a way to stick it to him and get the fights shut down, or at least the deals behind them. The fights themselves are fun, and most of us enjoy them until senior year. I doubt the Alphas will get rid of the tradition.

My only flaw in my plan is I’m a teenager, and I have no cops in my pocket that I could trust. My father has connections everywhere. Mitchel assures me that if I can get him the evidence and the date and time I need my father arrested, he will make it happen.

When my phone rings, I give Cyrus and her father some space. I move down to the beach and call Marlow back.

“Diesel, we have a problem.”

“What?” I ask, Marlow knows my plan.

“Your father is involved with a lot of shady shit, but his name is on none of it, he implicates you and your mother in most of it. Where the fights are held, that building belongs to you and you’re eighteen now.”

“Fuck…What about my mother?”

He explains that there are documents for deals, illegal ones that have my mother’s name and signatures, along with other wives. Those spineless pricks have thrown their wives under the bus in case they were ever busted, the entire underage fighting ring will send our mothers to prison.

Defeated, I take the news back to Mitchel, and he speaks with Marlow himself. He says that he can corrupt and destroy the information, but that leaves no evidence that they ever existed. He promises to keep looking and see what he can do, Mitchel tells him that no matter what it costs, he will pay.

Now all the cards are on the table, and Mitchel says he will take over, he will liaise with Marlow and take my father down. That Cyrus and I are children and need to go back to school and pretend that none of this happened. Every fibre in my being tells me that I shouldn’t give up control until I hear it in my father’s voice, and I tell Mitchel to do whatever it takes as long as my mother stays out of it.

Chapter Thirty-Four


My father dropped a bombshell on me this week. He was sleeping with Celine before my mother died. I wanted to cry and scream and tell him he was a disgusting man for what he did to her. But what use would that be, I know how much he loved her. He would have felt so guilty and told her straight away. He could have waited a few months and she was gone, but not my father, he needed to make it right, and my mother would have shocked him and been happy for him. She would have wanted him to be happy even though she would have no idea how vapid and annoying Celine is. I’m just glad he plans to leave her once this is all over.

I can’t believe how far the corruption goes. I always knew it existed, but blackmail and forging documents to implicate wives and children. Who does that?

I wish I could read Diesel's mind, his father has done some terrible things, and he has to play it cool. I don’t know if I could do the same. How can he look his father in the eye and not punch his stupid face or the hardest part, knowing your father is cheating on your mother and not say anything?

“Stop thinking so hard, you’re giving me a stress headache,” Rebel jokes.

“You are a headache,” Wilder says, jumping over the couch and throwing his arm around Rebel.

Luna finally came around, I don’t know if she forgave Wilder, but she is here, and he is keeping his distance.

“Cyrus, I wanted to apologise. I know it doesn’t make up for my behaviour, I shouldn’t have taken my frustrations out on you.”

Luna scoffs. “Do you really think trying to suck up to Cyrus will put you in my good books?”

“I was hoping it would be a good start.”

“You lied to me for years, you knew who my father was when he was alive. That’s huge, Wilder, and you don’t get why I’m even mad about it.”

She gets up and storms off, Wilder follows behind her. Diesel and Cuyler both walk in shirtless, bodies covered in sweat after their workout.

“You know you want to be the meat in that sandwich,” Rebel laughs.
