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She was clearly nervous, and Anthony couldn’t say he blamed her.

“In that case, it is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Rose,” he assured her, feeling what felt like the first genuine smile he’d experienced in a long time spreading across his face. A flash of what appeared to be relief swept through the young lady’s gaze, and finally, the corners of her petite mouth began to twitch upwards into a smile.

She gripped her skirt in one hand, curtseyed once more, and Anthony fought the urge to grab her by the arms and yank her back to her feet. He hated it when people curtseyed to him at the best of times but having this beautiful young woman do it made him feel nauseous.

It wasn’t until she stood again that Anthony realised he was still holding onto her gloved hand. Blushing slightly, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to her lace-covered knuckles. “As I have said, it is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Rose.”

Even as he pushed himself back to standing, he didn’t miss how the lady’s throat constricted in a gulp. He couldn’t blame her for still feeling anxious and uncomfortable.

Hoping that being surrounded by other young ladies of similar age might make her feel a little more comfortable, Anthony half-turned towards the carriage he had just clambered out of, surprised to find that his sisters had already joined him on the pavement without his noticing.

“Lady Rose, please allow me to introduce you to my sisters, Lady Elizabeth and Lady Emily,” he announced, gesturing first to his eldest sister and then the younger. Both ladies smiled warmly to Lady Rose and curtseyed. Anthony was surprised to feel disappointed when the young lady removed her hand from his and curtseyed to both his sisters.

“Forgive us for stumbling upon you in such a manner,” Anthony apologised as soon as his sisters had offered some kind words of greeting. “We did not expect you to be out here.”

“I … umm … I was feeling the need for a little fresh air,” the lady responded, her pale cheeks blushing in a way that made Anthony want to reach out and feel whether they were as warm and soft as they looked.Control yourself, Anthony!he snapped at himself, knowing it was most ungentlemanly to even consider such things.

Yet as he forced the thoughts away, he realised he couldn’t take his eyes off her.I have to get out of this situation immediately,he told himself firmly.

“In that case, perhaps we ought to leave you to it,” Anthony suggested, glancing at his sisters and hoping they would agree. He was relieved to see they both looked as tired as he felt after their two-day journey from the countryside.

“I … yes,” Lady Rose responded, curtseying with what appeared to be an uncomfortable smile. “Do not let me keep you, My Lord. I am sure you are quite busy.”

I could never be too busy for you.The thought popped into his mind unbidden, and he quickly forced it away just as he had the others. He had no idea what was wrong with him, but he felt as though a switch had suddenly been flipped inside him. He had been dreading this meeting for as long as he could remember, and yet now that he stood before her, Anthony couldn’t bear the thought of leaving.

“Dinner then?” he suggested abruptly, and Lady Rose’s petite brown eyebrow rose in surprise.

“Excuse me, My Lord?” She clasped her hands before her as though she was trying her hardest to remain ladylike.

“I apologise, My Lady, where are my manners.” Anthony sighed, clearing his throat before he asked, “My Lady, will you do me the honour of joining me for dinner this evening once my sisters and I have had some time to rest?”

“I …” Lady Rose hesitated before finally dipping her head with a smile. “I would be honoured, My Lord.”

“Then I look forward to your company, My Lady,” Anthony assured her, surprised when he reached for her hand once more to kiss her knuckles in farewell.

Then, Mrs Cartwright suddenly appeared in the front doorway, exclaiming her horror at seeing them all out in the street, “Oh, heavens! Lady St Clair, I thought you had got lost, and forgive me, Lord Chatham. It wasn’t supposed to be organised this way!”

Anthony found himself chuckling because for the first time in his life he wasn’t bothered by the fact that something hadn’t gone to plan. In fact, he was rather relieved at their meeting in such an informal way. Although the young lady appeared quite uncomfortable still, it had at least stopped him from getting wound up about their meeting for the first time.

The thought of having to stand before one’s betrothed in a stuffy dining room or even a ballroom upon their first meeting with everybody watching them had made him feel quite anxious indeed. Having met her this way, it felt as though the worst was over, at least for now.

“Not to worry, Mrs Cartwright,” Anthony assured the fretting housekeeper, offering the elderly woman a reassuring smile as he gestured for everyone to make their way into the townhouse. “I found my greeting quite pleasant.”

That evening, dinner was a much more pleasant experience than the duke had anticipated. The moment Lady Rose entered the dining room, all thoughts of apprehension were gone from his mind, and all he could do was smile as he insisted upon helping her into her seat himself.

“Thank you, My Lord.” She smiled at him sheepishly as he helped her into her seat, pushing the chair gently and guiding it beneath the heavy skirt of her dark velvet green gown. He had believed her to be beautiful that afternoon when they had first met on the pavement outside the townhouse, but now she was practically radiant, and the sight of her caused his heart to skip a beat.

He was even more relieved that after having spoken to bother his sisters, they had agreed to give him the night to get to know his bride-to-be better before they all dined together. Being alone together at the long dining table, sitting side by side with him at the head of the table, and her sitting to the left of him was much more comfortable than he had expected.

The first course was swiftly brought to the table, and Anthony was relieved that it did not feel awkward between them; in fact, he kept catching himself smiling at the young lady every chance he got, relieved that she offered the same in return.

“My Lady, if I might be so bold, I have come to a decision,” he found himself saying not long after the second course had been devoured, and Anthony found that he was pleased to see the young lady had an appetite.

Unlike many young ladies he had dined with, she did not appear scared of the food on her plate, and he couldn’t help smiling at the thought that she was not the kind of lady who preferred her outward appearance and her need to always appear perfect over her need for nourishment.

“A decision, Your Grace, about what?” Lady Rose asked. She lifted her gaze to put her wine glass back on the table and looked at him with an inquisitive expression. Though she looked intrigued, there was something else in her gaze that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

Absolutely astonished with himself, he felt as though his lips were moving of their own accord as he announced, “I have decided to bring the wedding forward. The sharp intake of breath from the young lady announced her shock, and Anthony’s stomach clenched, suddenly realising that he hadn’t even imagined how she might react.
