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“I heard about the proposal from Lord Blackmore. I…I don’t know what to say.”

“I don’t think there’s anything you can say.” Victoria went back to the bed and sagged onto the mattress. “I can’t believe Mother and Papa would do this. It’s just…it’s just horrific.”

“Can’t you persuade your parents to change their minds? They have to know this is painful for you as well, and the implications.”

“Oh, they know. I’ve been making it clear to them for several years now. And they won’t listen.”

Victoria knew it would be like she was fighting a losing battle. Once her parents had made up their minds, they were firm on it.

Then again, they seemed to be starting to change their minds on Rafe Mowbray and what he did.

But Victoria had no doubts. She knew exactly what had happened. She might not have been there, but she wasn’t about to be swayed. Rafe had committed murder, and he had gotten away with it.

It was just disgusting.

Abigail sighed and moved over to the wardrobe.

“I suppose you will have to make the most of this, my lady.”


“Lord Mowbray is a nice young gentleman, and he is very good-looking.” Abigail blushed and looked away, busying herself with looking through Victoria’s dresses. “So I’m told, anyway. It might not be that bad.”

Victoria frowned.

“I know what Sebastien looks like, Abigail. And it doesn’t matter if he’s a nice person. It’s the family he comes from. I’m not going to get married into that family, no matter what they want.”

She wouldn’t be able to do it without feeling revulsion. Sebastien might not have pulled the trigger, but he had stood by his brother. He made it clear where his loyalties were, and it filled Victoria with rage. He had been there, and Richard had been his friend. Why had he decided to stand with the wrong man? Because he was Rafe’s brother?

His loyalties were in the wrong place. Victoria couldn’t, in all good faith, look at him and see a husband. She would just see the enemy.

“I just don’t understand.” Victoria crossed her legs as she settled on the mattress, picking at the hem of her nightgown. “Why would Lord Blackmore even want to match his son with me? The scandal of Richard’s death isn’t going to go away.”

“Lady Blackmore did pass away not too long ago.”

“I know that, but that shouldn’t be a catalyst for such madness.”

Abigail frowned.

“Maybe it was. Maybe Lord Blackmore just wants to settle things between your families so Rafe Mowbray can come home.”
