Page 55 of A Shade of Sinful

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I try. By all the gods, I attempt to, but though the waves of magik adhere to me like they're meant for me, nothing stirs, at least not at my bidding.

I withdraw my hands, and return my attention to the window.

"Fascinating," Zale murmurs, speaking to himself as he leans back again.

"What?" I snap.

He considers his words carefully before settling on, "Any mage may share their energy willingly, and the youngest toddler will instinctively manipulate it, if they can wield magiks. You didn't."

I knew I couldn't, but my heart sinks all the same. My jaw tightens in annoyance. "I told you, I'm common."

"Mayhaps." Zale is visibly unconvinced. "Though the shade ought to have bypassed you entirely and aimed for my guards in the next compartment or been released in the wind.You sucked it in like a magnet, Helyn."

I can count on one hand the number of times he's used my name rather than a ridiculous nickname.


The craft slowly lowers to the ground. I'm surprised we're already back to the city.

Instead of landing around Five, it moves to park before a white manor surrounded by a canal and a precisely manicured lawn of blue-green grass, bright despite the blinding summer heat. There's no water shortage this side of the city.

"Why aren't we returning to Five?"

"Because it's early afternoon on Grapurday," he replies like it makes sense. "Weekends last three days, not one, you know."

My jaw tightens. "I study on weekends. I have to go back to the library."

The truth is, I don't technically have to. I've read the materials for my next tests, and I'm running about three weeks ahead on all my assignments. But that doesn't mean I want to spend more time with Zale, especially now.

His company should be disagreeable as ever, but he withdrew his claws, not whispering a single insult the entire journey. I don't know what to make of any of this.

"The city will have heard of your appointment by now. You're going to be surrounded at every turn, questioned, and if the envious manage to, cursed. Five's not safe for you now. Not while you're alone."

"And whose fault is that?" I snap.

He doesn't seem the least bit ashamed."Mine. Which is why you'll stay here."

I purse my lips, opening my own door before one of his servants get the chance. "I'll pass, thank you."

I'm surprised and grateful his house isn't fenced. It means I can burst out of there without having to beg to be let out like a dog.

I half expect one of his stern guards to catch up with me and drag me inside as I take off toward the avenue, but I am left alone.

"You know where to come when you change your mind."

I huff, grumbling curses about arrogant jerks on my way out.



"Follow her," I order Koll. "From a distance, and discreetly. Only interfere if she's in danger."

He inclines his head, activating the communication device fitted at the base of his ear with a tap of his finger. "Replacement needed at the king's side, effective immediately, location Royal Lane, copy."

Koll waits for Helyn to reach the main avenue, her gait swift and her stance clearly annoyed. I find some solace in the fact thatI'm getting under her skin faster than she gets under mine. Then when she reaches the corner, the captain of my guard trails after her.

I need to set up a permanent team of guards for her. And have rooms set up here. She won't last three days back at the dorm after the word get out that she's become first lady of Ravelyn.
