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“At least there’s a silver lining.” A smile tipped up the corners of my mouth. “They screwed her over. I heard one of the Italian men drag her onto the boat. She was screaming about them having a deal, and he said she served her purpose.”

His smile mirrored mine. “Good. That bitch will get what she deserves.”

I forced myself to sit up, tucking my legs under my butt. “They invited the Salvatores and The Devil’s Knights.”

“They’re holding theIl Circoauction on an island.”

“Which one?”

“I don’t know.” Aiden shrugged. “The invites hadn’t gone out before they kidnapped me.” He pushed the hair off his forehead and expelled a breath of air from his lungs. “Mom didn’t have to do this to you. I would have given her my trust fund just to get rid of her.”

“She isn’t working alone, Aid.” I covered his hand with mine on the mattress. “They used the catacombs beneath the Salvatore Estate to get into the house. Only the Founders know about them.”

He looked down at me, his blue eyes ringed with dark circles from exhaustion. “They used her for insider knowledge.”

We sat in silence for a while, still trying to wrap our heads around the situation. I hadn’t seen my twin in months, and it felt good to have him by my side. Even if the circumstances sucked, I was glad Aiden was with me. I didn’t know what these people wanted from either of us. It had to be about more than money.

“How long have you been here?” I tilted my head to the side. “Has anyone come to check on you?”

He covered his mouth and yawned, looking as if he were seconds from falling asleep. “I woke up right before they brought you in here. And then they drugged me again.”

“We have to get out of here.” I got on my knees, grabbing his shoulder to maintain my balance. “I don’t care if we have to jump overboard. Whatever these men have planned for us will not end well.”

“The Knights will be at the island.” Aiden slid his arm behind my back and helped me up from the mattress. We staggered to the side, still dizzy from the drugs. “They won’t come to the auction without a plan.”

“They said something about a wedding.”

“Someone wants the Wellington dowry,” he guessed.

“Yeah, but there’s one small problem.” I reached into my back pocket, relieved to find the diamond ring still there. “Aid, I need to tell you something.” I raised the massive diamond ring so he could see it. “I’m engaged.”

His pale blue eyes widened. “You said yes to Luca?”

I gulped down my nerves and slid the ring onto my finger. “I said yes to all four of them.”

“Excuse me?” His eyebrows knitted with confusion. “What do you mean, all four of them?”

“Exactly what I said. I’m in a relationship with Luca, Bastian, Marcello, and Damian.”

Aiden ran his fingers through his messy curls and groaned. Unable to look at me, he breathed deeply through his nose. “I should have done more to get you away from them.”

“Stop blaming yourself for everything that happens to me.” I tugged on his bicep, hard enough to gain his attention. “Aiden, I love them. I’m in love with all four of them.”

His head snapped to me, his mouth twisted in disgust. “I asked Marcello to take care of you. Not to share you with his brothers like a fucking whore.”

“It’s not like that,” I assured him, ignoring the sting of his last comment. “I know how it sounds. Four men and one woman.”

“It sounds like a fucking porno,” he snapped.

“Aiden, please.” I curled my fingers around arm. “Just listen to me.”

His eyes found mine, though they were glassy and sadder than before. “Go on.”

“I didn’t mean for it to happen. But over the past few months, I’ve fallen in love with each of them. It’s not just about sex.”

“I’m not okay with this, Lexie.” His nose scrunched as he mulled over my words. “Pops agreed to let one of them marry you, not all four of them. And they’re brothers! That would be like you and me sharing a woman. It’s fucking ridiculous.”

“What do you want me to say?” I pushed my hands onto my hips and glared at him. “I love them. I said yes. And for the record, two of them are not brothers.”
