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“Sorry doesn’t cut it.” He shook his head. “Not when you took my Eva from this world.” Lorenzo released his hold on my mother and threw her at his men. “Do what you want with this whore. Get her out of my fucking sight.”

My stomach churned at the thought of what they would do to her, what the man who bought her at the auction would do. And why did I even care? Why did I feel sick at the thought of men raping and torturing her?

Because I’m not heartless.

Lorenzo sat in the chair across from me and went back to eating his steak as if no time had passed. He drank from his wineglass, his deep brown irises aimed at me. I took that as my cue to shove the steak into my mouth. Anything to avoid having another conversation with him.

Back in high school, I thought Luca was the cruelest man alive. But the Mafia Don scared the fucking shit out of me.

He instilled the fear of the Devil.

Lorenzo seemed like a man who was used to getting what he wanted. I doubted he ever heard the word no. And anyone dumb enough to mutter the word to him probably ended up dead.

My mother would suffer a fate worse than death. She deserved it. Her actions had earned her a special place in Hell.

Lorenzo wiped his mouth with the cloth napkin and tossed it onto the table. I felt his eyes on me before I looked at him.

With the knife in my hand under the table, I braced myself for a fight. I wasn’t stupid enough to think he would treat me any better than my mother. This lunch was a peace offering to keep me compliant until the wedding that would never fucking happen.

Lorenzo finished his meal a few minutes later, then got up from his chair. “Take your time,” he said in a deep tone that rolled down my spine. “Finish your meal. My men will escort you to your room.”

I swallowed the lump forming at the back of my throat. “What about my brother?”

His dark eyebrows rose. “What about him?”

“I’d like Aiden to accompany me.”

Lorenzo shoved his hands into his pockets, pushing his suit jacket to the side. “He tried to fight my men, showed he can’t be trusted.”

My eyes immediately went to the guns holstered to his chest and then back to his face. “My brother will be on his best behavior from now on. Promise.”

“He’s a Knight,” he said, as if that explained everything.

“Not yet. He hasn’t finished initiation.”

“Doesn’t matter,” he growled. “The Knights have brainwashed your brother. He’s trained to kill. I can’t trust him not to act out again.”

I wet my lips with my tongue. The simple action garnered a response from Lorenzo I hadn’t expected. He bent down on one knee and took my hand. His sudden movement surprised me, taking me off guard.

“Lorenzo,” I whispered, unable to keep my voice calm and level. “Please don’t hurt my brother. He’s the only family I have left.”

He raised my hand to his mouth and kissed my skin. “You will be my wife seven hours from now.” His soft lips brushed my knuckles. “I am your family now.” He moved his hand to my stomach. “We will raise this child together.”

How did he know?

Apart from the family doctor, and now Aiden, no one other than my men knew about the baby. Since we didn’t know the paternity of the child, we wanted to keep it a secret until we could determine which of them fathered the baby.

Did Lorenzo spy on us in the room downstairs? Had he overheard my conversation with Aiden?

Talking back to Lorenzo would end with a punishment. I had a child to think about now. Mothers had to protect their babies, so I pressed my lips together and nodded.

Lorenzo reached into his pocket and produced a small velvet box. He cracked open the top and slipped a massive diamond ring on my finger. It looked like the twin of the ring my men had given me.

Is this a joke?

Lorenzo’s face gave away nothing.

He kissed the top of my hand one more time, and then he glanced over his shoulder at his men. “Take my bride to her room after she’s eaten. She needs her rest.”
