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It broke all four of us.

Marcello cupped my shoulder, then got up from the bed. “I have to speak with my team before we land.”

Before we left Devil’s Creek, Marcello worked out a multi-step plan with Alpha Command. There was no way for the Knights to attack the island head-on. They would likely force us to check our weapons at the door. All of our names were on the list, placed our bids to get onto the island.

Alpha Command divers would swim to the island, armed and ready to take out the guards. It was the only shot we had of getting Alex away from Lorenzo. He wouldn’t see it coming. Not with us playing the game, acting like willing participants at the auction.

“Our divers will enter through the jungle,” Marcello said in a firm tone. “There’s less security on the north side of the island.”

“Lorenzo won’t do anything to Alex until he’s off the island. At least we have that working in our favor.”

He tapped my back. “I fucked up before. The Mansion, the attack at the house, Alex’s kidnapping. But this time, I have a solid plan. I’ve worked out every detail with my men. Do you trust me?”

I held his gaze for a moment and nodded.

* * *

Once we landed in Key West, we boarded a boat and headed toward an island between the Florida Keys and the Dry Tortugas. As we sped toward the island, The Knights gathered around me on leather couches in the saloon. I ran our plan past the Knights, detailing each of Marcello’s backup plans in case we had to change course.

Everyone was on board with the dual-prong attack on the island. We would arrive as expected, while Marcello’s men eliminated the guards, working their way around the perimeter until we had control.

“We’ll only get one shot at taking Alex off the island,” Sonny said, his voice rougher than usual.

None of us had slept much in the past twenty-four hours. The adrenaline coursing through my veins kept me awake. I couldn’t relax until I had Alex in my arms.

Not that long ago, I wanted her to suffer for her mother’s actions. But she worked her voodoo on me and my brothers, casting all four of us under her spell.

“The Luciano brothers are our best chance of extracting Alex from the island,” I told them. “I spoke with Dante before we left the port. My cousins are on standby until they hear from us.”

Drake sneered. “So we’re supposed to sit at the auction and drink scotch and pretend like those assholes didn’t steal our queen?”

I held up my hand to silence him. “We follow the plan. Act like nothing is wrong.”

“Lorenzo isn’t stupid,” Sonny shot back. “He knows we’re coming for her. This is a fool’s mission to walk in there as if we’re bidding on the auction.”

I gritted my teeth. “You don’t think I know this, Cormac? Keep your ears and eyes open.” My gaze drifted to each of the Knights. “Look for anything out of the ordinary.”

“We’re going to a private auction for the world’s richest deviants,” Hunter Banks said with laughter in his tone. “What exactly counts as ordinary?”

Drake slid a hand through his dark hair and laughed. “He has a point.”

I waved my hand to dismiss him. “We’re at a disadvantage on the island. Accept it. This is the risk we have to take to get back our queen.”

Sonny chugged the contents of his glass and slammed it down on the table. “Anyone up for a gentleman’s wager?”

Bastian leaned forward on the couch, a sly grin on his face as he looked at Sonny. “What do you have in mind?”

My brother loved a good bet. It wasn’t about the money for him. He was obsessed with winning, regardless of the outcome.

“Ten thousand says we won’t make it past security with our weapons.”

Drake smirked. “I’ll take that bet.”

I moved between them and threw out my hands. “This is not the time for games. Alex’s life is on the line. All of our lives are at stake.”

“Chill.” Bastian pushed out his palm. “Let us do our thing before we go to war.”

“Taking bets on us losing the war is not fucking funny!”
