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They each took turns getting on their knees and speaking to my stomach like she could talk back. Each time one of them addressed her by name, I felt her move.

I’d never seen Damian look so happy. For the first time in his life, he felt wanted and loved. I ran my fingers through his black hair, and he looked up at me like his world had started and ended with me.

I love you, I mouthed.

Of all my men, he needed to hear it most. He needed the reminder he was worth loving. And I knew his daughter would love him even more than me.

We held Evangeline Franco's fifteenth anniversary gala at the Salvatore Estate. Several hundred people gathered in the main ballroom with drinks in hand, their eyes aimed at the stage. My paintings hung around the room, on display for everyone to see. Evangeline Franco’s original paintings were beside my recreations, and even Arlo said the similarities were uncanny.

He smiled for once.

I’d never seen that man do more than smirk or scowl, and I, of all people, brought a smile to his face. Luca was practically glowing. So was Marcello. They were so in awe, shocked by how much I could mirror the techniques of their mother.

Standing on stage beside Madeline Laveau, I looked out into the crowd, my heart pounding in my chest. I was ready to burst, my stomach so big I waddled when I walked. But my men seemed even more attracted to me.

After months of putting my heart and soul into Evangeline Franco’s recreations, the fifteenth anniversary show was a smashing success. We raised over a hundred million dollars for the Franco Foundation with my paintings. Art collectors from around the world were in attendance. All of them offered to showcase my Devil-themed paintings in their galleries.

I had to focus on Sofia for now. She was my number one priority at the moment and nine days late. That was the reason we moved the gala to the estate. With my birthing suite upstairs, and my OBGYN on standby, we couldn’t risk traveling too far from Devil’s Creek.

Luca clutched my hand, with his father on his right. Marcello, Damian, and Bastian were beside him. In public, we had to maintain the illusion I was married only to Luca. Our families were too high profile to risk anyone finding out I was married to all four of them. Even if it wasn’t on paper, I was their wife in my heart.

They were my soulmates.

All four of my savage Knights.

Madeline gripped the microphone. She waited for the crowd to die down before she spoke. “Evangeline was a dear friend and colleague. We learned a lot from each other. Sold out shows together. Eva will always be in here.” She patted her heart. “I think about her every day. She left an indelible mark on the world, touched millions of lives around the globe.”

A round of applause rang throughout the room. People raised their glasses to the legend. Well, two legends. Madeline was in her own right, well-renowned and a brilliant painter.

“It has truly been my honor to serve as the director of the Franco Foundation,” she continued with a hint of sadness in her tone. “At the end of the year, I am stepping down, passing the torch to a rising star in the art world.” Her gaze drifted to me. “I couldn’t be more thrilled to have someone so talented run this incredible foundation.” She extended her hand to me. “Ladies and gentleman, please join me in giving a well-deserved round of applause to Alexandrea Salvatore. The next director of the Franco Foundation.”

When Luca saw his mother’s completed collection, he offered me the job. Not because I was his wife. I could see it in his eyes. He really believed I deserved this honor. Of course, I had my doubts. But he convinced me I could still be a solo artist while running the foundation and being a wife and mother.

I could do it all because I had the love and support of four amazing men. Just having them near me immediately made me feel stronger, like I could do anything. So I accepted the position when Madeline offered it. She wanted to retire in Barcelona, and it was time for a new era to take over.

I took the microphone from her hand and blew out a deep breath as I stared into the expanse of the room. Hands raised to toast me. People clapped. Some people even whistled.

I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt.

Because I took a chance on my husbands, I had everything I ever wanted. I wouldn’t have been standing on stage without them. They made all the good things in my life possible.

As I brought the microphone to my lips, something wet splashed my feet. I thought someone threw champagne at me until I looked down and saw the puddle of liquid.

My eyes shot toward my men. “I think my water just broke.”

I didn’t realize I said that into the microphone. Another echo of applause filled the room.

“I’m sorry,” I told our guests. “I had a speech planned. But the short version is that I’m so honored to be the new director of the Franco Foundation. Evangeline inspired my art. I learned how to paint by studying her work.” Rubbing my hand over my massive baby bump, I added, “I wish I could say more, but it’s time to have this baby.”

Luca rushed over to me. He put the microphone back in the holder and helped me down the stairs. Marcello, Damian, and Bastian were behind us.

As we left the room, I heard Arlo’s voice over the speakers. He would have to close out the night without us.

It was time to meet our little girl.

My daughter was almost here. It still didn’t seem real that after all the horrible shit I’d done, the universe would reward me with a beautiful wife and daughter. I didn’t deserve either of them. But Alex made me believe I did, and that was all that mattered.

After Luca gave me shit over not reading the baby books, I finally caved. I devoured every single word. Knowing all the possibilities of what could go wrong only made me more nervous. So I kind of hated him for making me read them. But I was also thankful for him and everything he had done to help us prepare.
