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Only then did Jarah notice her trembling and silently cursed himself. She was terrified enough. Why had he allowed Yosef to take control like that?

Jarah looked to his father, who smiled and nodded. They swiftly and as casually as possible switched positions so Jarah could sit by Aubrey. Yosef narrowed his eyes but did not comment.

“Welcome. It has been some time since the Ramzi family sat at my table,” Yosef said with a wry smile, knowing full well that the reason was that he hadn’t extended an invitation. The annual meeting of the bordering kingdoms typically took place in Tiyana, because the kingdom was centrally located.

“We were pleased by the invitation,” Cyril said cautiously. “Especially so soon after your own visit to Rihamel.”

“It is because of that visit that I thought it would be nice to get together again. Our little corner of the world is awash with interest in the American princess. I did not get much time to speak with you at your wedding.”

Jarah realized that Yosef directed that last sentence to Aubrey, but she didn’t say anything. He gently touched her leg under the table.

“The whole evening was such a blur,” she admitted. “I held entire conversations with new family and hardly remember them.”

“So it was good that I waited to speak with you in private.” Yosef smiled. “Your visit is short, but I hope we will get to know each other better.”

“Yes, and I hope to spend some time with your wife.”

There was an edge to her voice, and Jarah tensed, but Yosef just laughed and waved his hand. “Pour our guests their drinks and serve dinner. Cyril, you and your sons and I have much to discuss.”

Jarah felt Aubrey relax a little next to him, but he couldn’t do the same. Yosef clearly had an agenda that centered around Aubrey.

Dinner went smoothly, and conversation was light. Yosef made a few comments about the American princess that made Aubrey’s leg bounce nervously, but he was never outright rude. After desert, the women were dismissed.

Aubrey murmured her thanks, reached over, and took Yosef’s hand, bending down to kiss it.

The table fell silent, and Jarah reached for his wife. Before he could grab her, Yosef stood and jerked her up against him. “You dare touch me,” he hissed.

Gasping, Aubrey tried to pull away. “I am so sorry. I was told that was how I should…”

“Enough,” Yosef roared.

Jarah, Cyril, and Mikal stood. “You will release her,” Jarah said quietly. Every muscle in his body was tense. “And you will release her now.”

Yosef did so, and Aubrey fell backward into Jarah’s arms. He caught her gently, and she was shaking “I’m so sorry.” Aubrey took a shuddering breath. “I did not mean to offend you.”

Several scenarios played out in Jarah’s head, all of which ended with Yosef’s blood on the table, but when he looked at Aubrey and saw the tightened look in her eyes, he pushed them away. “I will escort my wife back to our suite.”

Yosef waved his hands. “She can make her way back just fine. I’ll send a servant to escort her.”

Nothing was going to convince Jarah to send Aubrey away with a stranger, not when she was in this state. “No need. Excuse me.”

“Sheikh Jarah,” Yosef said loudly. “You will return to us, won’t you?”

It was a thinly disguised command, but Jarah didn’t take his commands from Yosef. One look at his father told him that Cyril was ready to support whatever he decided.

“I’ll be all right,” Aubrey said quietly. “I’m sure conversations will go smoother without me.”

Jarah nodded. “I will rejoin you when I am able.”

He took her arm and held her close as they exited. When the doors closed behind them, she stared to shake.

“Jarah, I’m sorry. I swear Silaah’s wife said that I should…”

“I would never imagine that you would think to do that without having been told. We will speak about it later. Right now, we just need to get you to our room.” His thoughts were racing. It was such an odd action, reaching for the sheikh’s hand. He could not fathom where the instruction might have come from. He should have reviewed the protocol of the evening with her before they went to dinner. “I’ll arrange for transportation to take you back to Rihamel tomorrow.”

She turned, her face white. “Was it really that bad? I hope I haven’t…”

Jarah shushed her—the guards were listening. “We’ll discuss this when I get back. For now, do not open this door for anyone other than me, Father, or Mikal. Do you understand? Not for Yosef or any member of his family. Not for the servants or guards.” Until he could determine Yosef’s mood, he wanted to make certain Aubrey was safe.

She nodded. Jarah waited in the hall until he heard the click of the lock, and then he went down to discover just what Yosef would demand in reparation.
