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He was having Aubrey followed? “That is not your responsibility,” he said sharply. “You are to cease immediately.”

“I apologize, but I assure you that I did not intend any offense or harm. My suspicions were aroused when she left the country the next day, but I let it go. I only gave her name to customs and immigration out of caution.”

“You did what?”

“Aubrey Bennet returned to Rihamel early this morning.” Silaah paused. “Jarah, when she passed through airport security, she asked if the scanners were safe for pregnant women.”

The world tilted for just a moment, and Jarah stared at Silaah while attempting to comprehend the words. Aubrey Bennet was pregnant. Ten weeks ago, Aubrey had been wrapped around Jarah like a second skin.

But he’d used condoms. Every single time. Right?

Except, he’d woken up hard that morning with a gorgeous naked body in his arms. He’d slipped inside her.

Naked flesh against naked flesh. No barrier.

Jarah swore under his breath.

“So there is a chance that it is yours. However, she might have been with someone before or after you.”

“You think she’s back to demand money,” Jarah growled. “To say it’s mine and extort the family. I won’t let that happen.”

Silaah relaxed and nodded. “Excellent. I was certain you’d be able to handle it. I didn’t tell Cyril because we both know how your father can be. This is your private business.”

Jarah held out his hand. “Thank you for keeping this between the two of us. I appreciate it.”

The two men shook hands. “Do you want me to convey any messages to the woman? It is best if the two of you are not seen together.”

“No. I will take care of this myself.”

After Silaah left, Jarah walked to his window and stood against it, staring out at Rihamel. There was a time when the ruling family believed in absolute power and did whatever they wanted. His grandfather had put an end to that when he ousted the previous ruling family from power. Rihamel had seen peace and respect under the Ramzi name. Cyril had drilled into Jarah’s head from the moment he could walk that as crown prince, he had a duty to carry on the Ramzi traditions.

Strength and honor.

He would not let Aubrey ruin that.

* * *

She was exhausted. Not just physically but mentally exhausted as well. The last ten weeks had been nothing but a waste of time. The harvest was ending, and while her grandmother would not sell until the fields were dormant, she was entertaining bids.

The vineyards are not for you, my child. There is something else out there for you. You must trust this and go find it.

Oh, Aubrey had found it all right. Growing inside her womb.

Too angry with her grandmother to tell her the truth and knowing full well that she’d lost, Aubrey had returned to Rihamel. She hadn’t told anyone yet, not even Gwen, and she wasn’t sure if she should tell Jarah. They both understood that their union had been a one-night thing. Would he want to be a father?

What she did have was a job. She’d called Hysani before moving back to make sure of that. Whether she raised the child alone or not, she would need income.

Beyond that, she was too tired to think.

She’d returned just in time for Gwen’s birthday. She was having dinner with a group of her peers at one of Hysani’s restaurants, and even though all Aubrey wanted to do was crawl into bed, she put on a dark green dress that fell to her knees and sported cap sleeves Gwen had assured her would be perfectly appropriate for a night out in Rihamel.

“I am so happy you’re coming out with me tonight, even though I know you’re going to be so bored,” Gwen said. “I promise we won’t talk about work the whole time.”

Aubrey laughed. “You will, but that’s okay. I do find your work fascinating. I’d even thought that if Hysani hadn’t kept my position open, I might try to get a job at the museum. I can’t wait to see all the artifacts.”

“I can give you a private tour. There are definitely some sordid tales attached to some of the pieces that we couldn’t include in the descriptions.”

A private tour of the museum. Aubrey put a hand to her stomach. She’d already had one of the those.
