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Josie nodded. “Yeah, it wasn’t great. I’m…I’m pretty hurt about that, Andy.” The pain in her eyes shone bright when she met mine, and I knew this was difficult for her, to show a wound while it was still raw. “I can’t be something I’m not. Not for anybody.”

I pulled her in a little tighter. “I’m really, really sorry. I don’t want anybody else, Josie. When you left, I thought about that guy who freaked out about your test scores, and when you told me about him, I felt so smug because I just knew that I was better than that, but maybe I’m not.”

“Hey.” She flicked the side of my head. “Yeah, you are. That guy never owned up to it and apologized, but you’re doing it right now. And I didn’t love that guy, either, but I love the shit out of you.”

She sniffled again, an undignified little snort, then gave me a tremulous smile. “Are you still my boyfriend? I made you a bookshelf, after all.”

“It’s a nice bookshelf,” I said, but Josie just laughed.

“It’s a mess,” she countered. “But you need more storage space for your books, and I thought that maybe, since I’ll be around for a long time, we could build a new one together—"

I locked my arms tight around Josie’s middle and lifted her clean off the floor, until I held her at eye level while she giggled, legs dangling more than a foot off the ground. “Say what?” I demanded.

“I’m applying to U-Dub,” she said with a smile, referring to the University of Washington State. “It was always near the top of my list. It’s a really good medical school and hard to get into, but in case you haven’t heard, I killed the MCAT. I feel pretty good about my chances.”

“You’re staying in Seattle?” I blinked, arms relaxing as she slowly slid down my body until her feet touched the floor.

Josie nodded, one side of her mouth quirking up in that familiar half-smile that I loved. I bent down to kiss the sexy little curve, letting my lips linger against it as I breathed her in—the scent of sawdust and fresh air and citrus.

“I’m going to try,” she whispered. Her arms curled around my neck as she held me close. “No guarantees, but I’ll do my best.”

“I want this to be for you and not just for me,” I told her, meaning it. “Because if you’d rather go to some Ivy League place, I’ll pack up and follow you, Josie. I really will. I love you that much and I don’t want you to sell yourself short for me.”

“God, you’re good,” she said with a light laugh. “I’m sure, Andy. I’ve been working on my list for years, and I’ve always wanted to land here. You’re a major bonus. A huge, unexpected, once-in-a-lifetime bonus, and if you think you can piss me off and get rid of me again, you’re wrong.”

“Somebody’s gotta teach you how to build a decent bookshelf,” I said, grinning happily. “It might as well be me.”

“Andy,” Josie said, close enough that I could feel her breath against my lips. “It will always be you.”
