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“This meal always cheers me up and so I thought.” I shrug, looking away. Doubting if this was a good ideaagain. “I don’t know, I thought it’d help you too.” I meet his gaze with sincere eyes. “Trust me?”

Finn was watching, but his look didn’t meet his eyes. I heaved out a breath. What I’d asked wasn’t an easy thing to do. I asked Finn to trust me. My anxiety swirled, regretting saying that.

If I had any nail left on my thumb, I’d be nibbling the rest of it off. Waiting for an answer I knew wasn’t going to come.

When I didn’t think I could take his quiet hesitancy any longer, the edge of his mouth curves up slightly. “What am I about to regret trying, lil’ sis.”

“You won’t regret it.” My smile genuine.

I take a french fry from the basket and dip it into my shake and take a large bite. The familiar salty, sweet combination tasting like happiness.

Finn does the same, even though he seemed mildly disgusted. Staring at the concoction a few seconds before closing his eyes. Shoving the entire thing in his mouth.

His chewing slow, hesitant, same as Hailey’s had been but then his eyes pop open. Face brightening, as his grin reaches his cheeks.

Grabbing for several fries, he does it again, and again, and again. I laugh joining. Feeling the lightest I had all night.

Especially after how quiet he got when Abram told us at dinner, he would be leaving town soon. Adding that he wasn’t sure how long he’d be gone. It could be anywhere from a few weeks to a month.

“You told me once Abram leaves a lot on business, but he’s been here the whole time since I came back?”

Finn looks down at our second round of fries, his mood sobering. I shouldn’t have asked but I was curious. Abram made it seem like this was normal.

“He’s been home more in the last few months than he has in years,” Finn says after a few seconds. Staring down at the fry he was twirling between his fingers. “The older I got, the longer he’d be away.”

“Do you know when he’s leaving?”

“Usually, he’ll stick around a day or two after he makes that announcement.” His tone carries a hint of sadness.

“What does Lorna do while he’s away?”

Slouching, he spreads out taking up the entire booth seat, shooting me a look. Anyone with a face knew Lorna and I didn’t get along. So, it was surprising I’d ask.

“Trips, spas.” He juts out his bottom lip. “Whatever she wants.”

“She’s okay with him being gone all the time?”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but my parents don’t really have the most loving relationship. Their partners, that’s all.”

I reach for his hand sympathetically. Leaning, he sits back, waving his fingers dismissively. I didn’t like Lorna but that was still a hard thing to digest.

Knowing what it’s like to grow up in a less than ideal relationship with my own mom. It affects you whether you admit to it or not.

Abram chose Lorna. Lillian chose antidepressants and alcohol.

Finn snorts, but it’s hollow. “I would be surprised if theydidlove each other honestly. Their marriage is like a roller coaster.” Making a gesture with his hands going up and down like riding a wave.

“I wouldn’t know.”

His hand slows as he looks over at me quizzically. “What do you mean?”

I rub my hands together under the table, jittery. “I’ve never been to an amusement park,” I admit.

The faintest of curl tugging at the corner of his lip. “You serious?”

“Not once,” I answer with a nervous laugh.

“You’re missing out.” Face brightening back up, slightly. Eyes caring a distant gleam in them.
